

News Archive:
Songs of Praise - [more details | Send us your Songs]
West Indies 2004 - [7th ODI Report | 6th ODI Report | 5th ODI Report | 4th ODI Report | 2nd and 3rd ODI Report | 1st ODI Report | Antigua Report | Barbados Report | Cricket fund raising initiative confirmed]
2004 West Indies tour merchandise - [more details]
Paul Burnham, Chief Organiser of the Barmy Army, talks to Freddie Auld - [More]
Barmy Army CC v Sri Lankan Cricket Academy XI, Colombo, 17th Dec 2003 - [Match Report]
Return of the Barmy Army Clairvoyant - [Mystic Mug's 2004 predictions]
Football & Cricket United takes off at Shenley, July 2003 - [details]
Rugby reflections - [More]
World Cup Report - [More]
VB series final special recipe (Wing) Nut roast - [More]
£2,352.00 raised at charity match on 8th August - [more details]
Barmy Army Rugby World Cup - [Leafy reports from the Rugby World Cup 2003 | England 35 - 22 Samoa | France 7- 24 England | Australia 17-20 England | England Rugby Supporters Club]
Cheque presentation Australia 2003 - [More details]
World Bar Sydney raises funds for Leukaemia Foundation in Australia - [More details]
Feedback from the Ashes and World Cup - [Photos | Mails]
The Barmy Army Clairvoyant - [more details]
Davis Cup: Australia v Great Britain [Special Offer for Barmy Army]
Barmy Army Banners [More Information]
Barmy Army 2002 [Photographs]
Barmy Army Fundraiser - 1st Jan 2003 [More]
Poor result but good idea [More]
Barmy Army at the Hockey [More | Photos]
ASHES SPECIAL RECIPE - [Brett Lee Salad | McGrath German sausage]
Aussies on this site [More]
Army at the Gaol [More]
Swearing Debate: Part 1 [More]
British Balls - The Best of British Down Under [More Details]
Barmy Army XI v Helensvale XI [Report (pdf) | Scorecard]
Barmy Army Accommodation Offer [More]
The Barmy Barman's Army [More]
Sammy's Barmy Army [More | Karaoke with the Brisbane police]
Mmmmmm - Beeeeer ... [More]
Australian beer - a tour de force [More]
Australia's Flag-ging Support [More]
Charmy Army? Sorry, no Way [More]
The England One-Day Team [More]
Gough may join the Barmy Army [More]
New Ashes Regulations [More]
There's only one Freddy Flintoff [More]
The England One-Day Team [More]
Gains from the Champions Trophy [More]
Barmy Army v The Bunbury's - match report [More]
Barmy Army v Lashings CC - match report [More]
Report on Charity Cricket Match at Stafford [More]
Cynicism - English cricket's greatest enemy [More]
Farewell Ben from the Barmy Army [More]
Feedback about Barmy Army during the New Zealand Tests:
A big thank you to the Barmy Army (by Lucy) [More]
Good wishes from New Zealand (by Vicky, aka Half Pom) [More]
The A-Z of England vs. New Zealand March and April 2002 [More]
Andy Clark reviews the First Test [More]
England in New Zealand - Game On [More]
There's only one Freddy Flintoff [More]
Show your support and fly the England flag [Buy now at CricShop]
Plans underway for tour to New Zealand [More]
So you can't make the Tour - follow the action by SMS [CricTxt]
A Beginner's Guide to Field Placings [More]
England's Barmy Army - welcome to CricInfo [More]


