






England's Barmy Army. Mission Statement: To make watching cricket more fun and much more popular.

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A big thank you to the Barmy Army
10 April 2002

Feedback about Barmy Army during the Test Matches v NZ

I am a Pommie teacher out in NZ and I was just writing because I wanted to say that I was slightly apprehensive before my first encounter with the Barmy Army. Having never been to a cricket match before, I thought that the Barmy Army was going to be similar to the Soccer Hooligans back in UK.

I went to 3 matches, and each time I was impressed with the humour with which the Barmy Army supported the matches - They didn't use excessive foul language and were witty and entertaining!!!

I can't say the same for some of the Kiwi supporters, who responded by using F*, W***ers etc back at the Barmy Army who just ignored them. Takes a lot of self control, I was impressed.

Obviously there were a lot of teenagers and children watching as well, and as the Barmy Army have a strong presence at the matches, they have a big influence as role models. It was good to see how positively they could support the English cricket team, without resorting to outlandish language. A very impressed spectator of your Army - keep waving the Union Jack and being good ambassadors for England!!


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