Australia in India
Results & Scores

    India 265/6
    (50 ov)
    Australia 269/6     (48 ov)

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Compiled by AC Ganesh

27th March, 2001.
Sourav Ganguly

"I suppose, yes, we’ll have to target Hayden more than, say a Steve Waugh. The biggest influencing factor, though, will be the situation." - In an interview to The Telegraph

"The game was actually much closer than the victory margin shows and a few wickets in a span of few overs put the game in our favour." - On India's victory in his column in the Times of India

"Vijay Dahiya once again played very well for his fifty and his contribution with the bat in the lower order has given us a lot of depth in the batting." - Quoted as saying in the Times of India

"It was a good start to the one-day series, but there is still a lot of cricket to be played. We have to play good cricket for the Aussies are going to come hard at us." - Commeting on the forthcoming matches

Steve Waugh

"Matthew's playing so well that he's got to be given the opportunity at the top order but that doesn't mean Gilly won't go back and open the batting himself." - The Aussie captain on continuing with Hayden as opener in the

Sunil Gavaskar

"The Indian body language looked more positive than the Australian's right from the word go, no wonder they dominated the match and won comfortably." - In the Times of India

"This was a crucial game, for being the first in a new series and coming after their defeat in the Tests series the Australians would have wanted to start off by winning this first one to redress the psychological balance somewhat." - In his column in the Times of India


"The team has regained confidence after the Test win of 2-1 and added that if they continue in the same spirit, they would surely pocket the one-day series as well." - The Indian team manager talking to reporters in Pune before the 2nd ODI


"Any player who can contribute with both bat and bowl can make the difference between victory and defeat." - In the Times of India on the need of an all rounder

"This was a well-planned victory because it emphasised the team's strengths and exploited the weaknesses of the opponents." - In the Times of India on India's emphatic victory

"Virendra Shewag at No. 6 was a shot in the arm. He batted bravely, bowled well and was rightly adjudged the man of the match." - On Shewag's all round performance


"My attitude, commitment and bowling are still the same. I'm still hungry for wickets to help the team win and would like to be around for the next World Cup in 2003." - In an interview to the Times of India


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