Australia in India
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    India 265/6
    (50 ov)
    Australia 269/6     (48 ov)

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Compiled by AC Ganesh

3rd April, 2001.
Sachin Tendulkar

"Actually I do not have words to say what I feel. I would just like to thank everyone who has stood by me. The teammates, our dressing room that gives me so much confidence. I’m glad it (the hundred) came at the right time". - On becoming the first batsman in ODIs to score 10,000 runs in

Steve Waugh

"We are looking to come back into the series by winning here." Aussie skipper after the practice session in Visakhapatnam

"It's seven in a row actually.... I'd like to think both of us could be out there at the same time and Cammie is probably more dissappointed about that than me." - Quoted as saying to the Sydney Morning Herald on the toss issue


"We have won the Test series and will try to win tomorrow to clinch the one-day series too. It would be great to win both series." - The Indian skipper quoted as saying that he will go allout to clinch the series

"The Aussies are very dangerous even when they are down. We will win if we play as well as we have been doing, but there is no way we are going to take the Australians lightly." - Quoted as saying in the AFP

"I'll open the batting. I tried it (demoting myself in the order) and it didn't work out. So I will get back to the place from where I have got maximum of my runs." - On deciding to open the innings

"The Aussies seem to be complaining about too many things. I think they should stop doing that and concentrate on the game." - The Indian skipper peeved at Waugh's comments and subsequent media reports on the toss

"I don't know if they do it intentionally, but they seem to have a complaint about everything, and these complaints are schoolboy stuff." - Quoted as saying on the complaints against him by the Australians

"I congratulate Sachin for scoring 10,000 runs in one-dayers. I am not at all surprised at that and I do wish him many more milestones in the future." - On Sachin's feat


This risky decision to rotate the players had been taken in view of the 2003 World Cup to be held in South Africa." - Talking to reporters at a function


"I don't have a problem with the rotation system. I don't think that's an excuse why we've lost two matches." - On the much criticised rotation policy.


"If we play the way we can, we should go on to win tomorrow." - The Indian coach on the 4th ODI at Visakhapatnam


"We have got two more games. India are in a good position after winning the last match. (but) we can lift our game and hopefully win the next two games." - The Aussie team manager on Australia's chances

"Everything is in the papers. Somethings were blown up. We have two captains who are very keen to win the series. Actually there are not too many problems," Australian team manager quoted as saying on the toss

"We see no reason to change the policy. We will carry on with it irrespective of the situation we are in." - Defending the rotation policy


"I am proud that an Indian has achieved it. Nobody can take credit away from us in this." - The former Indian captain on Tendulkar's feat in the Times of India.


"Your career is filled with highs and lows. I was a slow starter. I felt I couldn't get any lucky breaks towards the end of the series." - Quoted as saying in the AFP on his poor form.


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