Australia in India
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    India 265/6
    (50 ov)
    Australia 269/6     (48 ov)

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Compiled by AC Ganesh

05th March, 2001.

Javagal Srinath

"I have recovered quite well. Having bowled in the Mumbai Test, I am positive that I will be able to play at Kolkata."

John Buchanan

"It is important that our bowlers bowl with a proper wicket-keeper behind the stumps. We don't want any of our batsman to be injured with the second Test not very far away."

"To win the first Test was important, the next job is to win the series and then setting goals to win three, which we set out to do at the start. At the moment we have won just one, our mind is fixed on getting ready for the next game." - The Aussie coach on his plans for the Kolkata Test

Adam Gilchrist

"There isn't much to worry about. It is just a slight niggle and I should be fit for the Test match." - The Mumbai Test hero on missing out the tour game

Glenn McGrath

"Of course there is no doubt that Tendulkar is the key. While he looked threatening in this Test, we don't plan to change our tactics against him next time round." - The Australian paceman on plans to tackle Tendulkar

"Our exploits in Mumbai have not made us complacent and we know that the series is far from over. There are still two Tests left and we know we will have to play as well as we did in Mumbai in order to keep winning." - On the Kolkata Test in his column

"A special word for the crowd in Mumbai. They were the loudest I have played in front of. However, the best thing about the crowd was that it was quite appreciative of strokeplay by the Australians as good bowling from our team. This is why we did a lap of the ground applauding the spectators."

Colin Miller

"I think we have got on to the right foot. The Indians certainly have some psychological scars, (judging) from the way we played in Mumbai. We have the upper hand." - In an interview to NDTV

Navjot Sidhu

"The only way that you can play on even terms with the Australians is, give them a sluggish track." - On India's strategy to tackle the Aussies in the coming Tests

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