Australia in India
Results & Scores

    India 265/6
    (50 ov)
    Australia 269/6     (48 ov)

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Compiled by AC Ganesh

07th March, 2001.
Sunil Gavaskar
"Any captain who does not have that gut feel or that instinct is never going to be a good captain. So Sourav, if you get the feel or the instinct go for it, for it will work more often than not." - The former Indian captain in his column in The Times of India
Steve Waugh
"Michael Slater is a fine batsman and has scored 14 Test centuries. He knows how to do it (regain his form)."
Anshuman Gaekwad
"When Ganguly can open the batting in one-dayers why can't he do so in Tests as well?"
"I’ve been bowling for the past three days, and haven’t been in pain. The swelling, too, has subsided. I’m fit, of course." Srinath told The Telegraph
"Steve Waugh's effort's, over the last few years, are nearly reaching 'Bradmanesque' proportions." - Postcards from Langer column in

Prudential ICICI - Top Performer

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