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Fast Bowling:
The secret to being a successful fast bowler is having the desire to
bowl fast. Unlike fast medium, medium pace and slow medium bowlers,
fast bowlers are the ones who deliver the ball consistently over the
140 kmph. speed during a spell. This needs tremendous stamina and
physical fitness and one should have the natural aptitude for it.
Fast bowlers are the ones who hurry the batsman in their shot and threaten
to cause injury. There is no one action which is suitable to all and
the best way is to build up the speed gradually and deliver the ball
when you have reached the peak of your speed.
Basic Technique:
The fundamentals that every fast bowler must possess are a correct grip, a
smooth efficient run - up, a well balanced rhythmical delivery stride,
a high delivery action and a deliberate and smooth follow through.
Run - up:
The run up is very important to be able to generate speed. The ideal
run up is one where you start slowly and build up your speed till you
reach the peak at about 3 or 4 strides from the crease and maintain
this speed into the delivery stride and action.
Gradual increase in speed is important and try not to run more than what is
Saving energy is vital for the effectiveness of a fast
bowler over a period of time. The best way to know what is correct for
you is to go to an open field and mark a spot on a clear stretch of
ground. From here close your eyes and run, gradually picking up speed
and then deliver the ball. A friend can mark the spot your back foot
has landed. From here walk normally to the spot you marked earlier and
this will be the exact number of steps to take when you mark you
run-up before bowling.
This exercise is to be done three or four times
and the most smooth and efficient one must be selected. When taking
the run up in a match start from the bowling crease as this is the
place where your back foot has to land.
Delivery stride Actions:
About 3 or 4 strides from the bowling crease you must start preparing
to get into the delivery stride. The acceleration is stopped and the
speed is maintained. You can bowl the ball either with a side on
action or with a Front-on action. Both are equally effective and you
should choose the one coming most naturally to you.
For a side on bowler, in the last step before the delivery stride, turn the body
slightly to point the left shoulder to the batsman.
Then jump, arching the back at the same time and land on the right foot with the foot
parallel to the bowling crease. The left foot lands in front with the
toe pointing towards fine - leg.
The front arm is rotated high and the
eyes are looking at the batsman slightly to the left or right of the
shoulder. The wrist is cocked back slightly and the left arm pulls the
body down and passes behind the body.
The weight transfers from the back to the front and the ball is delivered from the highest point
possible. The left knee gives in a little & then straightens to
maintain the balance and the body pivots pulling the right leg in
front till the right shoulder is pointing down the wicket.
The entire action is like a cartwheel in motion and the hands complete the full
Bowlers with front-on action in their last step before delivery, the back is
arched a bit and both the feet land pointing down the wicket. The jump
is negligible, but the arching brings the ball down sharply from a
height. The head is steady and looking at the batsman from inside the
front arm. The left arm pulls the body, transferring the weight
forward and the bowling arm finishes behind the left side of the
Follow through:
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