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On batting positions:

I am just going to demonstrate to you now the side-on position. Now in England a lot of people concentrate a lot on being side-on. And the reasons for the side-on positions, these were the reasons.

First you are presenting a smaller target to the bowl or the bowler. And then you can sway, you can get out of the line, you can duck. But I still find it hard if you are going to hook, you will be hooking with the ball over your left shoulder.

The chest-on position , the one in which I saw in a book years ago written by Sir Garfield Sobers was where he said that when you are playing fast bowling you got to be chest on. A lot of my friends at Middlesex at that time told me that it was wrong. But I find that with a chest-on position, you can do all the similar things that you have done with side-on position, you can sway, you can duck, but I find that it'll give you the opportunity to be more positive, where you can look to pull and if the ball is coming at you at your body, with your foot in this position I believe that you can pivot a lot easier to get away from the danger of someone bowling at your ribcage.

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Cricket bat
Protective gear
Shoes Basic techniques
Taking Guard Defensive strokes
Front foot defence
Backfoot Defence Drives
Off Drive
Straight Drive
On Drive
Lofted Drive Horizontal bat shots
Square Cut
The Pull
The Hook