
Off Drive:

Chris Cairns executes a perfect
Off drive
© CricInfo
The off drive is played to an over-pitched ball in line with the off
stump or marginally outside.
Like the forward defense, the left shoulder and elbow lead the body
with the front foot going as close as possible to the pitch of the
ball. The bat comes down in an arc from the top of the back lift and
strikes the ball just in front of the left foot.
After impact the bat must continue in the arc and finish over the left
shoulder. The follow through can also be checked at shoulder height,
keeping the bat face open.
The head is kept straight and still throughout the shot and the top
hand and elbow controls the direction of the shot. At the time of
impact the head should be over the ball with the body weight balanced
on the front foot. The full face of the bat must hit the ball and on
completion, the batsman must be well balanced.
When the ball is in the line of off stump, it can be hit either to the
left or right of mid-off and if it is slightly wider, the front foot
must move into the direction you want to play the shot, which may be
to the left or right of covers. This is also called a cover

 Cricket bat
 Protective gear
Basic techniques
 Taking Guard
Defensive strokes
 Front foot defence
 Backfoot Defence
 Off Drive
 Straight Drive
 On Drive
 Lofted Drive
Horizontal bat shots
 Square Cut
 The Pull
 The Hook