
Lofted Drive:

Ganguly Plays a Perfect Lofted drive
© CricInfo
This is an effective attacking stroke and can be played from the
crease or stepping down the wicket.
Here also the front foot goes towards the pitch of the ball, but the
impact is further away from the front toe.
The head must not be lifted too early and the follow through must be
full to help clear the inner circle of fielders.
At the time of impact the body must be balanced on both feet and the
tendency to transfer weight on to the back foot must be
avoided. Whether lofting or driving along the ground, the eyes must
always follow the ball all the way to the bat and the urge to see the
direction of the ball must be controlled.

 Cricket bat
 Protective gear
Basic techniques
 Taking Guard
Defensive strokes
 Front foot defence
 Backfoot Defence
 Off Drive
 Straight Drive
 On Drive
 Lofted Drive
Horizontal bat shots
 Square Cut
 The Pull
 The Hook