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Day By Day
By Ground
New Zealand
South Africa
Sri Lanka
Points Table
Scorecards and
CricInfo Player
of the Match
CricInfo Player
of Tournament
[CricInfo Women's World Cup 2000]
Except as varied hereunder the Laws of Cricket (2000 Code) shall apply and these playing conditions must be read in conjunction with the Laws.
World Cup matches shall be of one day's duration. There are reserve days for the two World Cup semi finals and the World Cup final on which an incomplete match may be replayed (but not continued from the scheduled day).
The matches will consist of one innings per side and each innings will be limited to 50 six-ball overs. A minimum of 25 overs per team shall constitute a match unless either team is bowled out in less than 25 overs.
- Start and Cessation Times:
The hours of play for the CricInfo Women's World Cup 2000 will be:
10.30am - 1.30pm |
First Session |
1.30pm - 2.10pm |
Interval |
2.10pm - 5.10pm |
Second session |
If there is a delayed start, or one or more interruptions in play, the cessation of play will be 8.00pm.
- Interval Between Innings:
The innings of the team batting second shall not commence before the scheduled time for commencement of the second session unless the team batting first has completed its innings at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled interval, in which case a ten minute break will occur and the team batting second will commence its innings and the interval will occur as scheduled.
Where play is delayed or interrupted the Umpires will reduce the length of the interval as follows:
Time Lost |
Interval |
Up to 60 minutes |
30 minutes |
Between 60 and 120 minutes |
20 minutes |
More than 120 minutes |
10 minutes |
Note: Refer also to the provisions of Clause 6.2.
- Intervals for Drinks:
Two drinks breaks per session shall be permitted, each 1 hour apart. The provisions of Law 15.9 shall be strictly observed except that under conditions of extreme heat the Umpires may permit extra intervals for drinks.
An individual player may be given a drink either on the boundary edge or at the fall of a wicket, on the field, provided that no playing time is wasted. No other drinks shall be taken onto the field without the permission of the Umpires. Any player taking drinks onto the field shall be dressed in proper cricket attire.
All drinks intervals are not included in playing time.
New Zealand Cricket will appoint all Umpires for all World Cup matches. For both semi finals and the World Cup final New Zealand Cricket will appoint a third umpire who shall act as the emergency umpire and officiate in regard to TV replays. No competing teams will have the right of objection to an umpires appointment.
- General
- New Zealand Cricket will ensure a separate area is provided for the third umpire and that he/she has access to a television monitor and direct sound link with the television control unit director to facilitate as many replays as is necessary to assist him/her in making a decision.
- The third umpire shall call for as many replays from any camera angle as is necessary to reach a decision. As a guide, a decision should be made within 30 seconds wherever possible, but the third umpire shall have discretion to take more time in order to finalise a decision.
- The on-field umpire has the discretion whether to call for a TV replay or not and should take a common-sense approach. Players may not appeal to the umpire to use the replay system - breach of this provision would constitute dissent and the player could be liable for discipline under the Code of Conduct.
- Run-Out, Stumping, Caught and Hit Wicket
- In the televised World Cup semi finals and final, the on-field umpire shall be entitled to call for a TV replay to assist him/her in making a decision about a run-out, stumping, caught or hit wicket appeal.
- An on-field umpire wishing the assistance of a TV replay shall signal to the third umpire by making the shape of a TV screen with his/her hands.
- If the third umpire decides the batsman is out a red light is displayed; a green light means not-out. Should the third umpire be temporarily unable to respond, a white light (where available) will remain illuminated throughout the period of interruption to signify to the on-field umpires that the TV replay system is temporarily unavailable, in which case the decision will be taken by the on-field umpire.
- When reviewing the TV replay, if the third umpire finds the batsman has been bowled rather than hit wicket or stumped, he/she shall display the red light to show the batsman was dismissed.
- Caught Decisions
- Should the bowler's end umpire be unable to decide whether or not a catch was taken cleanly, he/she shall first consult with the square leg umpire.
- Should both umpires be unable to make a decision, the bowler's end umpire may then call for the third umpire to review a TV replay of the catch as in 4.2 (b).
- The third umpire has to determine whether the batsman has been caught, not whether or not she hit the ball.
- The third umpire shall communicate his/her decision by the red/green light system, as in 4.2 (c).
- Boundary Decisions
- In televised matches, the on-field umpire shall be entitled to call for a TV replay to assist him/her in making a decision about whether the fieldsman had any part of her person in contact with the ball when she touched or crossed the boundary line or whether a four or six had been scored.
- An on-field umpire wishing the assistance of a TV replay shall signal to the third umpire by use of a two-way radio - the third umpire will convey his/her decision to the on-field umpire by this method.
- The third umpire may initiate contact with the on-field umpire by two-way radio if TV coverage shows a boundary line infringement.
- Batsmen running to the same end
- In the event of both batsmen running to the same end and the umpires are uncertain over which batsman made her ground first, the on-field umpire may call for a TV replay to assist him/her in making a decision.
- The procedure in 4.2 (b) shall apply.
The Captains, dressed in on-field match clothing, shall toss for the choice of innings on the field of play 30 minutes before the scheduled or rescheduled time for the match to start.
- Uninterrupted Matches
- Each team shall bat for a maximum of 50 (six-ball) overs unless all out earlier. A team shall not be permitted to declare its innings closed.
- If the team fielding first fails to bowl the required number of overs by the scheduled time for cessation of the first session, play shall continue until the required number of overs has been bowled.
Unless otherwise determined by the Umpires, the innings of the team batting second shall be limited to the same number of overs bowled by it, at the scheduled time for cessation of the first session. The over in progress at the scheduled cessation time shall count as a completed over.
The interval shall not be extended and the second session shall commence at the scheduled time.
The Umpires may increase the number of overs to be bowled by the team bowling second if events beyond the control of the bowling team prevented that team from bowling the required number of overs by the scheduled time for the cessation of the innings of the team batting first.
- If the team batting first is all out and the last wicket falls at or after the scheduled time for the interval, the innings of the team batting second shall be limited to the same number of overs bowled to the team batting first at the scheduled time for the interval (the over in which the last wicket falls to count as a complete over).
- If the team batting first is dismissed in less than 50 overs the team batting second shall be entitled to bat for 50 overs except as provided in (c) above
- If the team fielding second fails to bowl 50 overs or the number of overs as provided in 6.1(b), (c) or (d) by the scheduled cessation time, the hours of play shall be extended until the required number of overs has been bowled or a result achieved.
- Delayed or Interrupted Matches
- General
- The object shall always be to rearrange the number of overs so that both teams have the opportunity of batting for the same number of overs. A team shall not be permitted to declare its innings closed.
A minimum 25 overs have to be bowled to the side batting second to constitute a match subject to the provisions of Clause 6.1(b).
The calculation of the number of overs to be bowled shall be based on an average rate of 17 overs per hour in the total time available for play. If a reduction of the number of overs is required, any recalculation must not cause the match to be rescheduled to finish earlier than the original cessation time. This time may be extended to allow for one extra over for both teams to be added if required.
- If the team fielding second fails to bowl the required number of overs by the scheduled cessation time, the hours of play shall be extended until the overs have been bowled or a result achieved.
- The team batting second shall not bat for a greater number of overs than the first team unless the latter has been all out in less than the agreed number of overs.
- Fractions are to be ignored in all calculations re the number of overs.
- Delay or Interruption to the Innings of the Team Batting First
- If the number of overs of the team batting first is reduced, a fixed time will be specified for the completion of the first session, as calculated by applying the provisions of Clauses 2.2 and 6.2.1(a).
- If the team fielding first fails to bowl the required number of overs by the scheduled time for cessation of the first session, play shall continue until the required number of overs has been bowled, and 6.1(b) shall apply.
- If the team batting first is all out and the last wicket falls at or after the scheduled time for the interval, 6.1(c) shall apply.
- Delay or Interruption to the Innings of the Team Batting Second
If there is a suspension in play during the second innings, the overs shall be reduced at a rate of 17 overs per hour for time lost, except that, when the innings of the team batting first has been completed prior to the scheduled or rescheduled time for the interval between innings, the reduction of overs will not commence until an amount of time equivalent to that by which the second innings started early has elapsed.
Two semi circles shall be drawn on the field of play. The semi circles have as their centre the middle stump at either end of the pitch. The radius of each of the semi circles is 25 yards (23m). The ends of each semi circle are joined to the other by a straight line drawn on the field on the same side of the pitch. The field restriction area should be marked by continuous painted white lines or dots'.
At the instant of delivery there may not be more than five fieldsmen on the leg side.
For the first 15 overs only two fieldsmen are permitted to be outside the field restriction marking at the instant of delivery.
For the remaining overs only five fieldsmen are permitted to be outside the field restriction marking at the instant of delivery.
Two inner circles shall be drawn on the field of the play. The circles have as their centres the centre point of the popping crease at either end of the pitch. The radius of each of the circles is 13 yards (12 metres). The field restriction area should be marked by 'dots'. The segment of the circles reserved for the slip positions shall not be demarcated. (Refer attached appendix 1). In the first 15 overs there must be a minimum of two stationary fieldsmen within the 13 yard (12 metres) field restriction of the striker at the instant of delivery. The two stationery fieldsmen may be permitted to stand deeper than 13 yards (12 metres) (in the undemarcated area) provided only that they are standing in slip, leg slip and gully positions.
In the circumstances where the number of overs for the team batting first is reduced, the number of overs in regard to the restrictions in 7.3 and 7.5 above shall be reduced proportionally in a ratio of 15:50 (30%) in accordance with the table below. Fractions are to be ignored in all calculations re the number of overs and overs are to be rounded up to the next whole number.
Total overs in innings |
Number of overs for which fielding restrictions in 7.3 and 7.5 above will apply |
25-26 |
7 |
27-29 |
8 |
30-33 |
9 |
34-36 |
10 |
37-39 |
11 |
40-43 |
12 |
44-46 |
13 |
47-49 |
14 |
50 |
15 |
Where the numbers of overs for the team batting second is reduced (including under the provisions of Clause 6.1(b) and/or 6.1(c) above), the restrictions in 7.3 and 7.5 above will apply for the same proportion of the second innings as applied in the first innings (fractions to be ignored).
In the event of an infringement of any of the above fielding restrictions, the square leg umpire shall call and signal 'No ball'.
No bowler shall bowl more than 10 (six-ball) overs in an innings.
In a delayed or interrupted match where the overs are reduced for both teams or for the team bowling second, no bowler may bowl more than one-fifth of the total overs allowed (unless such a number has been exceeded before the interruption). This restriction shall not apply to the team fielding second where the provisions of Clause 6.1(b) have been applied.
Where the total overs is not divisible by 5, one additional over shall be allowed to the maximum number per bowler necessary to make up the balance.
In the event of a bowler breaking down and being unable to complete an over, the remaining balls will be bowled by another bowler. Such part of an over will count as a full over only in so far as each bowler's limit is concerned.
The scoreboard shall show the total number of overs bowled and the number of overs bowled by each bowler.
White Kookaburra 142gram four piece balls will be used for all World Cup matches. Each fielding team shall have one new ball for its innings.
The fielding captain or her nominee may select the ball with which she wishes to bowl from the supply provided by New Zealand. The Match Manager, or their nominee, shall take a box containing new balls to the dressing room and supervise the selection of the ball.
These will be collected at the completion of each match by the Match Manager.
The umpires shall retain possession of the match ball(s) throughout the duration of the match when play is not actually taking place. During play umpires shall periodically and irregularly inspect the condition of the ball and shall retain possession of it a the fall of a wicket, a drinks interval, at the end of each over, or any other disruption in play.
In the event of a ball during play being lost or, in the opinion of the umpires, being unfit for play through normal use, the umpires shall allow it to be replaced by one that, in their opinion has had a similar amount of wear.
In the event of a ball becoming wet and soggy as a result of play continuing in inclement weather or it being affected by dew, or a white ball becoming significantly discoloured and in the opinion of the Umpires being unfit for play, the ball may be replaced for a ball that has had a similar amount of wear, even though it has not gone out of shape.
If the ball is to be replaced, the umpire shall inform the batsmen. Either bowler or batsman may raise the matter with the umpires and the umpires' decision as to a replacement or otherwise will be final.
A result can be achieved only if both teams have had the opportunity of batting for at least 25 overs, subject to the provisions of Clauses 6.1(b) and 6.2.2(b) unless one team has been all out in less than 25 overs or unless the team batting second scores enough runs to win in less than 25 overs.
All matches in which both teams have not had an opportunity of batting for a minimum of 25 overs, shall be declared "no result".
- Tie
In matches in which both teams have had the opportunity of batting for the agreed number of overs, subject to the provisions of Clauses 6.1(b) and 6.2.2(b) the team scoring the higher number of runs shall be the winner. If the scores are equal, the result shall be a tie and no account shall be taken of the number of wickets which have fallen.
- Delayed or Interrupted Matches - calculation of the Target Score
If, due to suspension of play after the start of the match, the number of overs in the innings of either team has to be revised to a lesser number than originally allotted (minimum 25 overs unless the provisions of 6.1(b) or 6.2.2(b) apply) then a revised target score (to win) should be set for the number of overs which the team batting second will have the opportunity of facing. This revised target is to be calculated using the Duckworth/Lewis method. The target set will always be a whole number and one run less will constitute a Tie. (Refer Appendix 2)
After any hold up in play, the Umpires will notify the scorers of the number of overs lost and the appointed match officials will perform the Duckworth Lewis calculations required. The Umpires will both satisfy themselves as to the correctness of such calculations before allowing play to take place and will then notify the captains, scorers and all others concerned of such decisions.
- Preliminary Matches
The World Cup playing format will be a round robin competition with all teams playing each other once followed by two semi finals and a final. The points system will be as follows:
Win |
2 points |
Tie or No result |
1 point |
Loss |
0 points |
- Semi Finals and Final
Two semi finals will be played to determine the World Cup finalists. The team finishing on the most points at the end of round robin play will qualify first and will play the team qualifying fourth at the end of round robin play. The teams qualifying second and third in round robin play will play in the other semi final.
In the event of the teams finishing on equal points at the conclusion of the round robin competition, the right to play in the semi finals will be decided by:
- the most wins in the preliminary matches or,
- the team that gained the most points from the preliminary match(es) played between them will be placed in the higher position or,
- for all teams still equal after applying (i) and (ii) above, the higher net run rate in the preliminary matches will determine placings.
If no result is achieved in a semi final on the scheduled day of play, the match shall be replayed on the scheduled reserve day. If the scheduled day results in a tie, or the replay results in a tie or there is no result, the team that finished in a higher position at the conclusion of the round robin competition will proceed to the final.
Teams qualifying from the first and second semi final will compete in the World Cup final.
In the event of a tied Final, or there is no result on the scheduled day or the reserve day if it is used, the teams will be declared joint winners and the prize money will be shared equally between the two competing teams.
- Net Run Rate
A team's net run rate is calculated by deducting from the average runs per over scored by that team throughout the competition, the average runs per over scored against that team throughout the competition.
In the event of a team being all out in less than its full quota of overs, the calculation of its net run rate shall be based on the full quota of overs to which it would have been entitled and not on the number of overs in which the team was dismissed.
Only those matches where results are achieved will count for the purpose of net run rate calculations. Where a match is reduced due to conditions, but a result is achieved under Duckworth/Lewis, for net run rate purposes Team 1 will be accredited with Team 2's par score on abandonment off the same number of overs faced by Team 2. Where a match is concluded but with Duckworth/Lewis having been applied at an earlier point in the match, Team 1 will be accredited with 1 run less than the final target score for Team 2 off the total number of overs allocated to Team 2 to reach the target.
Any application by a Competing Team for a Replacement Player must be approved by the Technical Committee before any change to the initial squad is made. Teams must be aware that Replacement Players will only be considered if any player in the original squad is unfit at any time to take further part in the Competition.
The Technical Committee will make the final decision on the replacement of a Player taking the advice of a report on the Player submitted by a panel of three Doctors independent of the team. If a country requires a Replacement Player, it will need to present its case in writing to the Technical Committee via the Tournament Director. The written request will need to provide full details of the injury, when it occurs, what it involves and the length of time the player may be incapacitated. It will need to be authorised by a qualified doctor confirming that the injury will prevent her from playing.
If the Technical Committee agrees to the replacement of a player, the country itself will be responsible for making all travel arrangements and meeting the costs of the additional member of the party. Once a Player has been replaced under these provisions, she can take no further part in the tournament at a later stage, even if she recovers from her injury.
The Technical Committee will make every effort to deal with any requests from the Team as soon as is practicably possible.
This will consist of the Tournament Director from the Host Country and the IWCC Liaison Officer. The role of this committee is to investigate any complaints regarding the organisational and administrative running of the tournament. The decision of this Tournament Committee will be final.
This will consist of the Tournament Director from the Host Country, the IWCC Liaison Officer and New Zealand Cricket's National Umpiring Manager.
The role of this committee is to adjudicate on:
- any match related dispute regarding the interpretation of playing conditions (other than that which is the responsibility of the umpires)
- any application by a competing team for a replacement player (see clause 13)
The decision of the Technical Committee will be final. The Technical Committee is not responsible for any non match related dispute.
A Code of Conduct will apply during World Cup 2000. This will be known as the CricInfo Women's World Cup Code of Conduct. All players and officials from competing teams will be bound by the Code of Conduct.
The boundary on Lincoln Green shall be the fence. The boundary on BIL Oval will be the boundary rope and the boundary on Hagley Oval will be a painted white line.
Teams are required to exercise the utmost care and caution when engaging in practice and pre-match warm-up and "hitting-up" activities so as to avoid the risk of injury to members of the public, damage to the centre wicket region and to perimeter fencing. Areas will be designated where "hitting up" may occur.
Restriction of the placement of Fieldsmen
Application of the Duckworth/Lewis Method for Setting a Fair Target Score in an Interrupted Limited-Overs Cricket Match
- Introduction and Definitions
The principle which the method applies is that the target is adjusted by the percentage of the run scoring resources of the innings which is lost due to the suspension in play. This percentage depends not only on the number of overs which are lost, but also on the stage of the innings at which they are lost and the number of wickets that have fallen at the time of the suspension. The term "percentage of innings" used in this document refers to the percentage of these combined run scoring resources. These notes provide instructions on how this principle should be applied in all situations, illustrated with worked examples.
All calculations for any one innings, once it has started, are made using the figures from a single table. This table gives the percentages of innings remaining at all stages (overs left and wickets lost). The number of overs allocated to an innings at the moment of commencement of the innings is called the initial overs allocation and is denoted by the letter N. In most instances the table for N=40, 50 or 60 overs, as appropriate, will be all that is required and these are included within this document, labeled Tables 40, 50 and 60 respectively. However, where an innings has commenced, a table for the reduced initial overs allocation will be required. A book of Supplementary Tables for all values of N from 10 to 60, labeled Tables 10, 110.60, is supplied separately. For any one innings, once it has started, only the table for the designated initial overs allocation, N, should be used. Note that the tables used for the two innings in a match may not necessarily be the same.
The team batting first are referred to as "Team 1" and the team batting second are referred to as "Team 2". Decimal fractions of an over are expressed in standard cricket notation, eg 4.3 overs means 4 overs plus 3 balls.
The term "target score" refers to the score that Team 2 have to exceed to win. If this is not a whole number of runs then a tie is impossible. The target score at the moment of commencement of Team 2's innings is referred to as the initial target score and is denoted by the letter T. This does not change throughout this innings whatever suspensions in play may occur. If there is a suspension in play in the course of Team 2's innings, then a revised target score will be set.
- Calculation of the Percentage of the Innings Lost by a Suspension in Play
To compensate for any suspension in play during either Team 1's or Team 2's innings, it is necessary first to calculate the percentage of the innings that has been lost on account of this suspension. For the particular innings in which the suspension occurs, note the value of the initial overs allocation, N, and use the table for N overs for the whole duration of that innings.
- For the start of the suspension in play, from the table note the percentage of the innings that remained for the appropriate number of overs left and wickets lost, = A.
- For the resumption of play after the suspension, from the table note the percentage of the innings now remaining for the revised number of overs left and for the same number of wickets lost, = B.
- Subtract B from A to give the percentage of innings lost, = C.
- If a suspension in play occurs part-way through an over, then the number of overs left both before and after the stoppage, for the purpose of reading the percentages A and B from the table, should be taken as the next highest whole numbers of overs left.
Example 1 (play suspended mid-over)
Suppose that 12.4 overs out of a scheduled 40 have been bowled (27.2 overs left) and the team batting have lost 1 wicket. Then play is suspended and 10 overs are lost.
The initial overs allocation is (N =) 40. Use Table 40. The percentage A is read for 28 overs left and 1 wicket lost (= 77.8%), and B is the figure for 18 overs left and 1 wicket lost (= 58.4%). Their difference gives the percentage of innings lost, C (= 19.4%).
- If a suspension in play is of sufficient length to necessitate termination of the innings, then the percentage B (2.2) is taken as zero and the percentage lost is the percentage of the innings which was remaining when the suspension occurred, A (2.1). If the terminal suspension occurs part-way through an over, the percentage A is taken from the end of that over but this should be increased by one-sixth of the difference between this percentage and that for the end of the previous over for each ball remaining in the over being bowled.
- If more than one suspension in play occurs, the percentage of the innings is lost, C, are calculated as described in 2.1, 2.5 and totalled to give a revised value for C after each suspension.
- Suspensions During Team 1's Innings
If a suspension in play occurs during, or to terminate, Team 1's innings, then it will be necessary to make an adjustment to Team 1's total score to produce a fair initial target score for Team 2. This is because the reduction in the number of overs allocated to Team 2's innings is known at the start of their innings when they have all their wickets in hand and the attainment of Team 1's total would otherwise be made easier by virtue of the suspension. Unless Team 2 lose several more overs due to the suspension than did Team 1 (see Examples 7 and 8), Team 2's initial target score, T, will generally be higher than Team 1's score.
Team 2's initial target score, T, is calculated from a "projected" total score, P, for Team 1's innings, which includes an allowance for the extra runs which would have been scored, on average, if the innings had not been interrupted. This allowance is calculated from the average total score (denoted by G) for an innings of that initial overs allocation.
- Note the initial overs allocation for Team 1's innings, N, and calculate the percentage of the innings lost by the suspension(s), C, (see 2).
- Note the average total score, G, for N overs from Appendix 1 for the appropriate grade of competition.
- Multiply C by the average total score, G, and add this to the actual score, ignoring decimal fractions, to give the projected score, P, for an uninterrupted innings of N overs allocation.
- When the umpires have decided what will be Team 2's allocation of overs - denote this by M - then, still using the same table as for Team 1's innings, read the percentage of the innings remaining for M overs left and 0 wickets lost. (Note that if the umpires have decided that Team 2 should be penalised by a certain number of overs for bowling their overs too slowly, then the percentage of the innings remaining should be read from a different table, it being the table for this number of overs less than that used for Team 1's innings; - see Examples 4 and 8).
- Take this percentage of Team 1's projected score, P, to give Team 2's initial target score T. (For Team 2's innings, the value of N, the initial overs allocation, now takes the value of M).
Example 3 (suspension during Team 1's innings)
In a 50 overs-per-innings international match between ICC full member countries, Team 1 reach 79/3 after 20 overs and then there is a suspension in play. It is decided that 20 overs of the match should be lost, 10 of these by each team. Team 1 resume to reach a final total of 180 in their revised allocation of 40 overs.
Use Table 50. At the start of the suspension there were 30 overs left and 3 wickets lost; hence A = 62.3%. At the resumption of play there were 20 overs left and still 3 wickets lost; hence B = 50.6%. Their difference is 11.7% which is the percentage of the innings lost, C.
From Appendix 1, the average total score, G, for N = 50 overs for this grade of match is 225, and so Team 1 would, on average, have scored an extra 11.7% of 225 = 26.33 runs in the overs lost by the suspension. Adding this to their actual score of 180 and ignoring the decimal fraction gives their projected score, P, for an uninterrupted 50 over innings as 180 + 26 = 206.
At its start Team 2's innings has been reduced to 40 overs. From Table 50, the percentage of the innings remaining is read for (M =) 40 overs left and no wickets lost as 90.3% of 206 = 186.02 and they require 187 runs to win. (Team 2's initial overs allocation, N, is now 40, taking the value of M).
- Delay to Start of Team 2's Innings
If Team 1's innings has been interrupted, the situation has been covered by 3.
If Team 1's innings has not been interrupted, note their total score, S, made in their N initial overs allocation and note the reduced number of overs, M, the umpires have allocated to Team 2's innings. Keep with the table for N overs (except that if Team 2 have been penalised for bowling their overs too slowly by having fewer overs allocated, the table for this number of overs fewer should be used). Read the percentage of the innings remaining for M overs left and 0 wickets lost, and take this percentage of Team 1's score, S as Team 2's initial target score, T. (The value of N, the initial overs allocation, for Team 2's innings, now takes the value of M).
Example 4 (delay to start of Team 2's innings, including penalty for slow over rate)
In an ECB Sunday League match, Team 1 score 200 in their allocated 40 overs. Rain then causes Team 2s response to be delayed and it is decided that it would be shortened to 30 overs. The umpires decide that 2 of the 10 overs lost are a penalty to Team 2 for a slow over rate and that only 8 are lost due to the weather.
If all 10 overs lost had been due to the weather, Table 40 would have been used. With the 2 over penalty, table 38 is used and so the revision of the target score must be made on the basis of 30 overs available from 38. The percentage of the innings remaining for 30 overs left and no wicket lost is 87.6 %.
Thus Team 2's initial target score, T, is 87.6% of 200, which is 175.20, and they require 176 to win. (The initial overs allocation is now 30 and so any revision to Team 2's target score due to a further suspension in play should be calculated using Table 30.)
- Suspension During Team 2's Innings
- Note Team 2's initial target score, T, and their initial overs allocation, N (see earlier paragraphs if there has been a suspension in play before the start of Team 2's innings; other wise T is Team 1's total score and N is as for Team 1's innings, except that I Team 2 were penalised for bowling their overs too slowly N will be an appropriately lower number), and calculate the percentage of the innings lost by the suspension(s) in play (see 2) = C.
- Reduce T by this percentage to gibe the revised target score.
- If a suspension in play is of sufficient length to necessitate termination of the match, then the percentage of the innings lost, C, is calculated as in 2.5 and a revised target score is set as in 5.1 and 5.2. The result of the match is decided by comparing Team 2's actual score at the suspension with this revised target score. If it is greater, Team 2 are declared the winners; if it is less Team 1 are declared the winners.
Example 5 (suspension during Team 2's innings)
In an ECB Benson and Hedges Cup match, Team 1 have scored 250 from their allocation of 50 overs in an uninterrupted innings. Team 2 have received 12 overs and have scored 50/1. Then play is suspended and 10 overs are lost.
Team 2's initial over allocation is (N =) 50. Use Table 50. The percentage A is read for 38 overs left (= 82.5%), and B is the figure for 28 overs left (= 70.2%). Their difference (= 12.3%) is the percentage of innings lost, C. Team 2's initial target score was 250. This must now be reduced by 12.3% of 250 = 30.75 runs, to give a revised target score of 219.25. They therefore require a total of 220 to win, which is a further 170 in 28 overs with 9 wickets in hand.
Example 6 (more than one suspension)
Suppose that in Example 5, play continues for a further 10 overs during which Team 2 take their score on to 98/3, whereupon there is a further suspension in play and a further 6 overs are lost. At the second suspension 18 overs were left and 12 overs are left on the resumption.
The percentages from Table 50 for this second suspension in play are: A = 47.4%, B = 36.0%, giving a further loss of 11.4%. The total percentage loss from the two suspensions in play is 12.3 + 11.4 = 23.7%. As the initial target score was 250, this target should now be reduced by 23.7 of 240 = 59.25 runs giving a revised target score of 190.75 or 191 to win, which is a further 93 runs required in 12 overs with 7 wickets in hand.
Example 7 (suspension and termination of Team 1's innings mid-over and delay to Team 2's innings)
This is taken from an actual match: India (Team 1) versus Pakistan (Team 2), Singapore, April 1996. Team 1 score 226/8 in 47.1 of 50 overs. Rain then terminates Team 1's innings and delays Team 2's which is given a reduced allocation of 33 overs.
- Team 1's innings:
- Use Table 50. The percentages of the innings remaining with 8 wickets lost and 2 and 3 overs left are 6.3% and 8.5% respectively. For 2.5 overs left, the percentage of innings remaining, and hence lost, is 6.3 + (8.5 - 6.3) x 5/6 = 8.133%. From Appendix 1, the average total score, G, is 225 and so the runs they would have scored on average during the lost 8.133% of their innings are 8.133% of 225 = 18.30, and Team 1's projected total for an uninterrupted 50 over innings is 226 + 18 = 224.
- Delay to Team 2's innings:
- Keep with Table 50. Team w are in effect deprived of the first 18 overs of their 50. From the table, the percentage now remaining of their originally scheduled innings with 33 overs left is 81.5%, so their initial target score is 81.5% of 244 = 198.86, or 199 to win. (The initial overs allocation for Team 2's innings is now 33).
Example 8 (showing how a very complex scenario is handled)
In an ICC Trophy competition, a delayed start reduces both innings from the originally scheduled 50 to 40 overs. Team 1 reach 150/5 in 35.1 overs, ie 4.5 overs left. A long suspension in play causes the termination of Team 1's innings and Team 2's innings is reduced to 30 overs. However, the umpires decide that as Team 2 bowled their overs too slowly, they should incur a two-over penalty and the revised target should allow for this (ie if the game had not been interrupted, Team 2 would have had 38 overs in which to attempt to beat Team 1's total scored in a maximum of 40 overs). Team 2 reach 60/2 in 12.2 overs when a further suspension deducts 5 more over, reducing their quota further to 25 overs.
- Step 1: Suspension during Team 1's innings (3.1 - 3.3).
- Team 1's initial overs allocation (N =) 40. Use Table 40.
Percentage of innings lost in the 4.5 overs at the end of the innings with 5 wickets down
= 15.1 + (18.2 - 15.1) x 5/6 = 17.683% (2.5).
The average total score, G, for a 40 over innings in an ICC Trophy match is 172 (Appendix 1). So the runs that would have been expected on average in the lost 17.683% = 17.683% of 172 = 30.41 and the projected total, P, for an uninterrupted 40 over innings is 150 + 30 = 180 (3.3).
- Step 2: Calculate Team 2's initial target score.
- As Team 2 have incurred a two-over penalty, use the Table for N = 40 - 2 overs, ie Table 38.
Percentage of Team 2's original 38-over innings remaining in the 30 overs now allocated is 87.6% (3.4).
Therefore, Team 2's initial target score is 87.6% of 180 = 157.68 ie 158 to win (3.5).
Team 2's initial overs allocation is 30.
- Step 3: Suspension during Team 2's innings. Calculate Team 2's revised target score (5).
- Note that the initial target score, T, is 157.68 and the initial overs allocation, N, is 30.
Use Table 30.
At the suspension, 17.4 overs were left, 2 wickets were lost, so from the table:
Percentages of innings remaining for 18 and 13 overs left are 65.4% and 51.8%, respectively, these being the percentages A and B (2.4).
Hence percentage of innings lost is 65.4 o- 51.8 = 13.6% (2.3).
Target is reduced by 13.6% of 157.68 = 21.44.
Thus Team 2's revised target score is 157.68 - 21.44 = 136.24, or 137 runs to win (5.2), and so they require a further 77 runs to win in their remaining 12.4 overs with 8 wickets in hand.