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Pretty fly for a white guy
Wisden CricInfo staff - October 1, 2002

Matthew Hoggard talks to Rahul Bhattacharya about this that and the other Why do they call you Shrek?
There's only one person who calls me Shrek and that's Ian Botham because he thinks I look like Shrek from the movie.

Do you think you look like him?
I hope not. He's a big, green ogre.

Who is your idea of bowling perfection?
Michael Holding.

Your earliest cricket memory?
Trying to sort out my run-up in the back garden with my dad. I had a hop-skip-and-jump instead of just a jump.

The most precious item in your kitbag …
Hmm … my England cap.

What's the best piece of advice you've ever received?
`Cricket is a simple game.' From Phil Carrick and David Byas in Yorkshire.

Your impressions of India when you visited there last winter.
… Looked a very pretty place. Was a shame we didn't get out and visit a little bit more. With all the extra security, it was a bit hard. I'd like to return there as a tourist and have a look through it.

What's the sweetest thing a fan has done for you?
This little boy in England made a collage when I got Tendulkar for the first time. It was a picture of me bowling at him, saying Tendulkar b Hoggard for how many ever he got.

Your best friends in cricket, English and outside?
In England, Chris Silverwood of Yorkshire. Outside, I get on well with most of the South Africans.

Do you like your pint at the end of the day?
At the end of the day I like to quench my thirst with some ice-water or a lemonade. Wouldn't mind a pint with a meal afterwards, though.

How old were you when you had your first girlfriend?
Must have been 12, I should think.

Your greatest batting ambition …
To score a first-class fifty. In fact, a Test fifty.

The angriest you've ever got on a cricket pitch?
I don't remember losing my rag big time on the pitch. I must have, but I can't remember it.

Your favourite cricket commentator?
None. I don't listen to the commentators.

One movie character that you would like to be most …
Someone like Superman, I think. Any character that can fly.

Which is the most intimidating venue you've played at?
Eden Gardens.

Which cricketer has the coolest hairstyle?
Anybody with a shaved head. That looks really nice and cool.

Your preferred cologne …
Anything I can pull out of the toilet kit really – or anyone else's.

Is Britney Spears your favourite music?
No. Don't know where you got that from. I haven't really got a favourite artist. I like listening to artists where you can actually hear the words to the songs, not just the oomp, oomp, oomp of dance music.

What has been your favourite place to visit?
South Africa. It's a beautiful country, the people are friendly. It was the first real trip I made abroad, when I was 17. It really stuck with me. I've been there six or seven times since.

On a rainy Sunday you would …
Take my dog for a walk and spend the afternoon with my girlfriend.

Which woman has come closest to your idea of perfection?
Sarah, my fiancι. Isn't that obvious?

How important is your dog to you?
Molly, she's fairly important. She's my girlfriend's dog, we adopted her three years ago.

Rahul Bhattacharya is an assistant editor with Wisden Asia Cricket and India

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