The Jamaica Gleaner
The Jamaica Gleaner carries daily news and opinion from Jamaica and around the world.

Red Stripe Bowl: Butts confident of Guyana's victory

The Jamaica Gleaner
15 October 1998

Hooper arrives today.

CricketGuyana cricket manager Clyde Butts is confident Guyana can beat Barbados in their Red Stripe Bowl semi-final at Kaiser Sports Club tomorrow.

Butts, who arrived with members of the Guyana cricket team yesterday, said: ``We will be looking to play positive and good cricket on Friday however, we will have to wait and see after a good look at the pitch at Kaiser before choosing our best possible team as you know Barbados is a very hard team to beat.

``We are going to try and do the basics to ensure a victory over the tough Barbados aggregation,'' Butts said.

Philo Wallace, the Barbados captain, was equally optimistic his team could pull off a victory over Guyana.

``Our injuries were rectified at home and all our players are now physically fit and are rearing to go against Guyana but we we will first have a look at the wicket and then sit down and pencil out our best possible side,'' Wallace said.

Meanwhile, Guyana's captain Carl Hooper who did not arrive with the bulk of the Guyana squad is expected to arrive today. Vice-captain Shivnarine Chanderpaul and countryman Clayton Lambert were already in the island along with West Indies and Trinidad and Tobago captain Brian Lara. They have been shooting a commercial at Sabina Park.

Arriving for Guyana yesterday were: Keith Semple, Rayon King, Vigi Seunarine, Mohendra Nagamootoo, Sheik Mohammed, Andrew Gonzalves, Ramnaresh Sarwan, Kevin Darlington, Lennox Cush, Nicholas Degroote and Neil McGarrell.

While arriving for Babados were Wallace, Sherwin Campbell, Adrian Griffith, Floyd Reifer, Roland Holder, Courtney Browne, Winston Reid, Antonio Myers, Pedro Collins, Henderson Bryan, Ryan Hinds, Patterson Thompson and Henderson Broomes.

Source: The Jamaica Gleaner