The Electronic Telegraph carries daily news and opinion from the UK and around the world.

Sussex switched on brighter future

By Charles Randall

3 June 1998

SUSSEX have become the second county to apply for planning permission to erect permanent floodlights at their headquarters in the belief that day-night cricket has ``a big future''.

Warwickshire, who attracted a near-full house for a floodlit match at Edgbaston last year, expect to hear at the end of this month from Birmingham City Council whether they can proceed with lights at a cost of around UKP 500,000.

Sussex have two games under temporary lights at Hove still to play. Tony Pigott, their chief executive, said yesterday: ``We believe there's a big future in floodlit cricket and we'd like to play more games.

``There's a possibility of a separate floodlit competition from 2000 onwards after the World Cup has been completed in England. We want to be in the forefront and it makes financial sense to install permanent lights.''

The application, which involves four 32-metre towers, is almost certain to be opposed by local residents, many of whom have luxury flats overlooking the Hove ground.

One problem with day-night games has been the high cost of temporary lights, usually amounting to UKP 30,000.

Waqar Younis, Glamorgan's Pakistan fast bowler, will miss the championship match at Southampton today because of an elbow injury.

Source: The Electronic Telegraph
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Date-stamped : 07 Oct1998 - 04:18