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THE TAMIL NADU CRICKET ASSOCIATIONMRF-Buchi Babu All India Invitation Tournament 2000-20001Playing Conditions
a] Hours of play and minimum number of over in a day
On the last day of the match, play shall commence at 9.15 a.m so as to complete the mandatory overs.
If it is decided to play such extra time on one or more of these days the whole period shall be played out eventhough the possibility of finishing the match may have disappeared before the full period has expired. Only the actual amount of playing time upto the maximum 30 minutes extra time by which play is extended on any day shall be deducted from the total number of hours of play remaining, and the match shall end earlier on the final day by the amount of time by which play was previously extended under this clause. 4. Tea interval: Tea interval will be of 20 minutes duration from 2.40 p.m to 3.00 p.m or at the conclusion of the over in progress at the above time subject to circumstances provided for in laws 16.3, 16.4, 16.5 and 16 note [b]. Law 16.5 shall not apply. 5. Intervals for Drinks: The provisions of law 16.6 shall be strictly observed except that under conditions of extreme heat the umpires may permit extra intervals for drinks. An individual player may be given a drink either on the boundary edge or, at the fall of a wicket, on the field, provided that no playing time is wasted. Any player taking drinks on to the field shall be dressed in proper cricket attire. 6. Overs to be Bowled :- a] [over rate] Over rate shall be assessed at 15 overs per hour subject to the following deductions.
b] Penalties for slow over rate 1. The number of overs bowled short shall be calculated at the end of each innings for applying the penalty clause. The penalty shall be twice the run rate multiplied by the number of overs bowled short, which shall be added to the of the batting side. Part of an over left incomplete at the end of an innings shall be treated as a full over for this purpose. 7. Result: a] The winner of the match shall be decided on the result of two innings. If two innings are not completed the match shall be decided on the result of the first innings but if the first innings is not completed or if there is a tie on the result of the first innings or if the match ends in a tie in the two completed innings of both the sides, the result shall be decided by the spin of the coin in the presence of the Umpires immediately after the conclusion of the match. b] A match which is abandoned without a ball being bowled shall not be replayed and the result shall be decided by the spin of the coin in the presence of the Umpires immediately after the conclusion of the match. 8. NEW BALL: (a) The Captain of the fielding side shall have the choice of taking a new ball any time after 80 overs on turf or 50 overs on matting have been bowled with the previous ball. In calculating the number of overs bowled, an over, not completed by one bowler and completed by another bowler shall count as one. The over during which a new ball is taken, irrespective of at what stage of that over, shall be the first over in respect of the calculation for the next new ball. (b) If in the opinion of the umpires the ball is unfit for play through normal use or is lost, the umpires will continue to allow it to be replaced by one that has had a similar amount of wear. However, the fielding side has to compulsorily take new ball after the completion of 100 overs on truf or 70 overs on matting wicket. 9. SUBSTITUTES: Law 2.1 will apply as modified. In normal circumstances, a substitute shall be allowed to field only for a player who satisfies the Umpires, that he has become injured or become ill during the match. However, in very exceptional circumstances, the Umpires may use their discretion to allow a substitute for a player who has to leave the field or does not take the field for other wholly acceptable reasons, subject to consent being given by the opposing Captain. If a player wishes to change his shirt, boots etc., he may leave the field to do so (no changing on the field) but no substitute will be allowed. Law 2.6 (Runners Equipment) will apply as modified: The Player acting as runner for an injured batsman shall at tall times wear similar external clothing and protective equipment as the injured batsman. Law 2.8 Fieldsman Leaving the field: In place of Law 2.8 the following will apply. 0 fieldsman shall leave the field or return during a session of play without the consent of the Umpires at the bowlers end. The Umpires' consent is also necessary if a substitute is required for a fieldsman at the start of play or when his side returns to the field after an interval. If a member of the fielding side does not take the field at the start of play, leaves the field or fails to return after an interval and is absent from the field for longer than 8 minutes:
ii) the player shall not be permitted to bat unless or until, in the aggregate, he has returned to the field and/or his side's innings has been in progress for at least that length of playing time for which he has been, absent, or if earlier, when his side has lost five wickets. he restriction in (i) and (ii) above shall not apply if the player has suffered an external blow (as opposed to an internal injury such as a pulled muscle) whilst participating earlier in the match and consequently been forced to leave the field. Nor shall it apply if the player has been absent for very exceptional and wholly acceptable reasons (other than injury or illness) and consent for a substitute has been granted by the opposing Captain. FITNESS OF GROUND, WEATHER AND LIGHT (LAW 3.8) (a) Add the following to paragraph (a) and delete clause(i) The Umpires will suspend, or continue to suspend play for bad light when they consider that there is a risk of serious physical injury to the batsman. Amongst the facts to be considered are background, sight screens and the type of bowling. Before deciding to suspend play, or not to resume play after an interval on account of bad light (but for no other reason), the Umpire shall establish whether the captain of the batting team [the batsman at the wicket may deputies for their captain] wishes to continue in unfit conditions, if so, his wishes shall be met. (b) Add the following to the last sentence of 3.8 (a)(ii): ....or, as a consequence of a change of bowler, if batting conditions have become more dangerous. (c) The Umpires shall disregard any shadow on the pitch from the stadium or from any permanent object on the ground. 10. THE BALL (LAW 5) Umpires shall retain possession of the match ball(s) throughout the duration of the match when play is not actually taking place. During play umpire shall periodically and irregularly inspect the condition of the ball and shall retain possession of it at the fall of a wicket, a drinks interval, at the end of each over, or any other disruption in play. In the event of a ball becoming wet and soggy as a result of play continuing in inclement weather or it being affected by dew and in the opinion of the Umpires being unfit for play, the ball may be replaced for a ball that has had a similar amount of wear, even though it has not gone out of shape. Either bowler or batsman may raise the matter with the Umpire and the Umpires decision as to a replacement or otherwise will be final. 11. BALL LOST OR BECOMING UNFIT FOR PLAY (Law 5.5) In the event of a ball during play being lost or, in the opinion of the Umpires, being unfit for play through normal use, the Umpire shall allow it to be replaced by one that in their opinion has had a similar amount of wear. If the ball is to be replaced, the Umpires shall inform the Batsman. If in the opinion of the Umpires the ball is unfit for play through normal use or is lost the umpires will continue to allow it to be replaced by one that has had a similar amount of wear. However, the fielding side has to compulsorily take new ball after completion of 100 overs on turf or 70 overs on matting. 12. THE BAT (LAW 6) law 6.1 will apply as modified: The bat overall shall not be more than 38 inches/96.5 cm in length; the blade of the bat shall be made of wood, shall have a conventional flat face and shall not exceed 4'1/4 inches/10.8 cm at the widest part. 13. THE PITCH (Law 7) Law 7.2 - Selection and Preparation In addition to the Law 7.2 the following will apply. Captain, Umpires and Groundsmen should co-operate to ensure that, prior to the start of any days play, no one bounces a ball on the pitch or strikes if with a bat to assess its condition or for any other reason, or causes damage to the pitch in any other way. Prior to the start of play on any day, only the Captain and team Coach may walk on the pitch to assess its condition. Spiked footwear is not permitted. 14. THE PITCH (Law 10) ROLLING, SWEEPING, MOWING, WATERING THE PITCH AND RE-MARKING OF CREASES: (a) Rolling of the pitch (10.1) Law 10.1 will apply, but add the following sentence to the first paragraphs. However, if in the opinion of the umpires, the delay has had no significant effect upon the state of the pitch, they shall refuse any request for the rolling of the pitch. In addition the Umpires are empowered to authorize the Groundsmen to roll, sweep and otherwise treat the pitch by such manner and means which they, bearing in mind the advice of the Groundsmen, consider will return the State of the pitch as near as possible to that pertaining when the choice of the innings was made. (b) Maintenance of Foot Holes: (Law 10.6) The Umpires shall see that wherever possible and whenever it is considered necessary, action is taken during all intervals in play to do whatever is practicable to improve the bowlers foot holes. As soon as possible after the conclusion of each days play, bowlers footholes will be repaired. (c) Mowing of the Outfield (Law 10)- Notes(b) The above law shall not apply and will be modified to the extent as under: There will be no mowing of the outfield during the period of the match. 15. COVERING THE PITCH FOR TURF ONLY - BEFORE AND DURING A MATCH: In place of Law 11.1 and 11.2 the following shall apply: In all matches, the pitch shall be entirely protected against rain up to the commencement of play and for the duration of the period of the match. It shall be wholly covered at the termination of each days play or providing the weather is fine, within a period of two hours thereafter. The covers shall be removed no earlier than 5.00 am and no later than 7.00 am on each morning of the match provided it is not raining at the time but they will be replaced if rain falls prior to the commencement of play. Note: The covers must totally protect the pitch and bowlers run-up and any worn, or soft areas in the outfield, as well as the bowler's run up to a distance of at least 10*10 metres. Attention is drawn to Law 3 Note (c) and Law 11.3 16. DRYING OF PITCH AND GROUND: (a) Prior to tossing for choice of innings the artificial drying of the pitch and outfield shall be at the discretion of the Groundsman. Thereafter and throughout the match the drying of the outfield maybe undertaken at any time by the Groundsmen, but drying of the affected area of the pitch shall be carried out only on the instructions and under the supervision of the Umpires. the Umpires shall be empowered to have the pitch dried without reference to the Captains at any time they are of the opinion that it is unfit for play. (b) The umpires may instruct the Groundsmen to use any available equipment, including any roller for the purpose of drying the pitch and making it fit for play. Note: An absorbent roller may be used to remove water from the covers including the cover on the match pitch. 17. PRACTIVE ON THE FIELD (Law 15.2) At no time on any day of the match shall there be any bowling or batting practice on the pitch or the square, except in official netted practice pitch areas. In addition there shall be no bowling or batting practice on any part of the square or the area immediately parallel to the match pitch after the commencement of play on any day. Any fieldsman contravening this Law may not bowl his next over. No practice may take place on the field if, in the opinion of the Umpires, it could result in a waste of time. 18. BOUNDARIES (Law 19) If an unauthorized person enters the playing arena and handles the ball, the Umpire at the bowlers end shall be the sole judge of whether the boundary allowance should be scored or the ball be treated as still in play or called dead ball if a batsman is liable to be out as a result of the unauthorized person handling the ball. 19. BOWLER INCAPACITATED OR SUSPENDED DURING AN OVER (Law 22.70) If for any reasons, a bowler is incapacitated while running up to bowl the first ball of an over, or is incapacitated or suspended during an over the Umpire shall call and signal dead ball and another bowler shall bowl or complete the over from the same end, provided only that he shall not bowl two overs, or part thereof, consecutively in one innings. 20. NO BALL MODE OF DELIVERY (Law 24.1) Law 24.1 will apply except that the bowler may not deliver the ball under arm. If a bowler bowls a ball underarm the Umpire shall call and signal dead ball. In addition, the Umpire at the bowlers end shall call and signal no ball if a ball which the Umpire considered to have been delivered.
(ii)rolls along the ground or (iii)comes to rest before it reaches the striker or, if not otherwise played by the striker, before it reaches the popping crease. If the ball comes to rest in such circumstances the Umpire will call No Ball and Law 25.3 shall apply. LAW 24.2 FAIR DELIVERY- THE ARM: For a delivery to be fair the ball must be bowled not thrown see note (a) below. If either Umpire is not entirely satisfied with the absolute fairness of a delivery in this respect he shall call and signal no ball instantly upon delivery. The Umpire shall also adopt the procedures of caution, final warning, action against the Bowler and reporting as set out in Law 42.8. 21. PENALTY (Law 24.8) A penalty of one run shall be scored for a no ball, plus any runs scored from the delivery. The above penalty shall also apply to Clause 26, fast short pitched balls and Clause 27. 22. NO BALL (Law 24.8) AND WIDE BALL (Law 25.6) In addition the following shall apply: No ball and wide balls not scored from shall be included in the bowling analysis of the bowler responsible. 23. BOWLED (Law 30) The following shall apply in place of Law 30.1 (b) He plays the ball, or if it touches his person, then hits or kicks it into and breaks his wicket and in the Umpires judgment an attempt to protect the wicket has been made the striker will be given out on appeal bowled. Completion of the stroke will not be considered if an attempt is made to protect the wicket. 24. HELMETS (AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT) In addition to Laws 23.1 (e) 32.2 (e) 38 Note (c) and 41.4 the following shall apply. The striker is out under this law if the ball is deflected from his bat onto his own protective helmet and he is subsequently caught. Runs may be scored off deflections from the batsman's or fielders helmet. A batsman may call for a helmet to be brought out to him at any time. He must then wear the time while play is in progress, or can have it taken off the field at the fall of a wicket, or at the end of the over or at any drinks intervals. In all cases, no actions involving helmets are to waste playing time. Umpires are not to hold helmets. The exchange of protective equipment between members of the fielding side on the field shall be permitted provided that the Umpires do not consider that it constitutes a waste of playing time. A batsman may only change other items of protective equipment (ie. batting gloves etc.) provided that there is no waste of playing time. 25. LIFTING OF SEAM (law 42.4) AND CHANGING THE CONDITION OF THE BALL (Law 42.5) In the event that the ball has been interfered with and requires replacement, the batsman at the wicket shall choose the replacement ball from a selection of available other balls of various degrees of usage (including a new ball) of the same brand as the ball in use prior to the contravention. 26. THE BOWLING OF FAST SHORT PITCHED BALLS (Law 42.8) (a) A bowler shall be limited to two fast short pitched deliveries per over. (b) A fast short pitched ball is defined as a ball which passes or would have passed above the shoulder height of the batsman standing upright at the crease. (c)In the event of a bowler bowling more than two fast short pitched deliveries in an over, either Umpires shall call and signal no ball on each occasion. If a bowler is no balled a second time in the innings for the same offence the Umpire shall advise the bowler this is his final warning as provided for in Law 42.8 (b). A third such offence in the same innings shall cause the Umpire to invoke Law 42.8 (d) i.e. the bowler shall be removed forthwith and cannot bowl again in that innings. The above is not a substitute for Law 42.8 (as amended below) which Umpires are able to apply at any time. (ii) Law 42.9 (as amended experimentally) The bowling of fast short pitched balls is unfair if the Umpire at the Bowlers end considers that by their repetition and taking into account their length, height and direction, they are likely to inflict physical injury on the striker, irrespective of the protective clothing and equipment he may be wearing. The relative skill of the striker shall also be taken into consideration. In the event of such unfair bowling the Umpire at the bowlers end shall adopt the following procedure: (a) In the first instance the Umpire shall call and signal no ball, caution the bowler and inform the other Umpire, the Captain of the fielding side and the batsmen of what has occurred. (b) If this caution is ineffective, he shall repeat the above procedure and indicate to the bowler that this is a final warning. (c) Both the above caution and final warning shall continue to apply even though the bowler may later change ends. (d) Should the above warnings prove ineffective, the Umpire at the bowlers end shall: (i) At the first repetition call and signal no ball and when the ball is dead direct the Captain to take the bowler off forthwith and to complete the over with another bowler, provided that the bowler does not bowl two overs or part thereof consecutively. (ii) Not allow the bowler thus taken off, to bowl again in the same innings. (iii) Report the occurrence to the Captain of the batting side as soon as the players leave the field for an interval. (iv) Report the occurrence to the Executive of the fielding side and to any governing body responsible for the match who shall take any further action which is considered to be appropriate against the bowler concerned. 27. THE BOWLING OF FAST,HIGH,FULL PITCHED BALLS (Law 42.9) Law 42.9 and Law 42 Note (e) shall be replaced by the following: The bowling of fast high full pitched balls in unfair. A fast high full pitched ball shall be defined as a ball that passes, or would have passed on the full above waist height of a batsman standing upright at the crease. Should a bowler bowl a fast high full pitched ball either Umpire shall call and signal 'No Ball' instantly upon delivery or as soon as possible thereafter. In the event of the bowler bowling a fast high full pitched ball [i.e, a beamer], the Umpire at the bowler's end shall in the first instance call and signal 'No Ball' and issue a first and final warning and inform the other Umpire, the Captain of the fielding side and the batsman. At the first repetition call and signal 'No Ball' and when the ball is dead direct the Captain of the fielding side to take the bowler off forthwith and to complete the over with another bowler provided that the bowler does not bowl 2 overs or part thereof consecutively. Law 42- Note (c) Danger area: The danger area on the pitch which must be protected from damage by a bowler shall be regarded by the Umpires as the area contained by an imaginary line 5 ft from the popping crease, and parallel to it, and within two imaginary and parallel lines drawn down the pitch from points on that line 1 feet/30.48 cm on either side of the middle stumps. 28. PLAYERS DAMAGING THE PITCH (law 42.11) will read as under: In the event of a batsman damaging the pitch the Umpire at the bowlers end shall follow the procedure of caution, final warning and reporting as set out in Law 42.10(c). In the event of the batsman running on the pitch, the Umpire at the bowlers end shall take the following action: (i) In the first instance he shall caution the batsman and inform the other Umpire at once. Also the Captain of the batting side as soon as the players leave the field for an interval of what has occured. (ii)In the second instance the Umpire will ask the batsman to remove the spiked boots and wear rubber soled boots. (iii) Time lost in changing the boots will not be taken into account when calculating the number overs to be bowled by the bowling side. 29. PLAYERS CONDUCT (Law 42.13) (a) The Captains are responsible at all times for ensuring that play is conducted within the spirit of the game as well as within the Laws. (b) Players and Team Officials shall not at any time engage in conduct which could bring them or the game into disrepute. (c) Players and Team Officials shall not in any way be concerned in the use or distribution of illegal drugs. (d) Players and Team Officials shall not disclose or comment upon any alleged breach of the Code or upon any hearings, report or decision arising from such breach. (e) Players and Team Officials shall not make any public pronouncement or media comment which is detrimental to the game which is taking place. (f) In the event of a bowler being found guilty of gross misbehavior or using offensive comments on the field such as:
(ii)showing public dissent at the Umpires decision. (iii)manhandling an Umpire, the batsman or the spectator (iv)kicking the stumps and indulging in any ungentlemanly and unseemly conduct which might bring the game into disrepute. The Umpire concerned shall announce and call and signal Dead Ball and suspend the bowler from further bowling in that innings, and allow another bowler to complete the over from the same end, provided that this bowler shall not bowl two overs or part thereof consecutively in that innings. (g) If a fielder other than the bowler indulges in such acts as stated above, the Umpire shall direct the Captain of the fielding side to send the concerned fielder off the field for that session and no substitute shall be allowed in his absence. In addition to taking action as stated in paras (f) and (g) above, the Umpire shall also report the occurrence to the Captain of the batting side as soon as the players leave the field for an interval. The Umpires shall also report to the Executive authority of the fielding sided and to the governing body responsible for the conduct of the match as well as to the Referee to take any action against the concerned bowler or player. (h) In the event of the batsman being found guilty of gross misbehavior or using offensive comments on the field such as:
(ii)showing public dissent at the Umpire decision. (iii)manhandling an umpire, the bowler, the fielder or a spectator (iv)kicking the stumps or hitting the stumps with the bat when given out or indulging in any ungentlemanly and unsporting conduct which might bring the game into disrepute the Umpires at the bowlers end shall report the occurrence to the executive of the batting side and to any governing body responsible for that match as well as to the Referee who shall take appropriate action against the player concerned. 30. CHANGES-RULES OF THE TOURNAMENT: 1. If the bowler bowls under-arm not only the umpire should call "Dead Ball" but also the ball is to be rebowled over-arm. 2. If in the opinion of the Umpires the ball is unfit for play through normal use or is lost the umpires will continue to allow it to be replaced by one that had a similar amount of wear. However, the fielding side as to compulsorily take new ball after completion of 100 overs on turf or 70 on matting. 3. Judging a Wide. (i) For bowlers whom Umpires consider to be bowling down the leg side as a negative tactic, Limited Over Wide interpretation will be applied. (ii)A penalty of one run for a Wide ball be scored. The penalty shall stand in addition to any other runs which are scored or awarded. 4. It is normal fielding practice for fielders in recongnised catching positions to be "Stationary". It is also normal fielding practice for outfielders to walk in towards the batsman when the bowler commences his run up. The batsman accepts this and notes the position of a fielder prior to facing a delivery. Therefore any significant movement, off line or in depth, by a fielder once the bowler commences his run up should be considered unfair and either umpire can take action under Law 42.3 (unfair play). A problem area that may exist is when dealing with the movement of the wicket-keeper. A wicket-keeper standing "back" who moves upto the stumps would clearly be a significant movement. A wicket-keeper who only moves up a couple of paces or so for a slower delivery will not be considered unfair. The umpire has to make a judgement taking all the circumstances into account. 5. Any fast high full pitched ball which passes or would have passed above waist height of the batsman standing upright at the crease shall be called and signalled "No-ball" by either umpire. In the event of a bowler bowling a fast high full pitched ball (ie. a beamer) the umpire at the bowler's end shall in the first instance call and signal no-ball and issue a first & final warning and inform the other umpire, captain of the fielding side and the batsman. At the first repetition call and signal no ball and when the ball is dead, direct the captain of the fielding side to take the bowler off forthwith and to complete the over with another bowler, provided that the Bowler does not bowl two overs or part thereof consecutively. Not allow the bowler, thus taken off, to bowl again in the same innings. 6. Regarding the batsman damaging the pitch, the Umpires after due cautioning, disallow any runs as soon as he considers there is no immediate chance of a dismissal and ask the batsman to return to their original ends. MCC Laws of Cricket [1980 Code] shall be followed except the modifications mentioned herein. Rule 7(a) & (b) shall read as follows: (a) The winner of the match shall be decided on the result of two innings. If two innings are not completed the match shall be decided on the result of the first innings. If there is a tie on the first innings and the match has not been played out to a further result or if the match ends in a tie in the two completed innings of both the sides, the result shall be decided by the spin of the coin in the presence of the umpires immediately after the conclusion of the match. If the first innings is not completed the result of the match shall be decided by the quotient rule. The quotient rule shall be applied only if the team batting second has had an opportunity of batting for atleast 50% of the overs which the team batting first has had. If either of the teams has not lost even a single wicket the quotient rule shall not be applied. The quotient shall be obtained by dividing the number of runs scored by the team batting first by the number of wickets lost by them. Similarly the quotient of the other team shall be obtained by the number of runs scored by them divided by the number of wickets lost and whichever team obtains the higher quotient shall be declared the winner. If the quotient of both the teams is equal the winner shall be decided by the spin of the coin in the presence of the umpires immediately after the conclusion of the match. If the quotient rule cannot be applied at any stage the result shall be decided by the spin of the coin. (b) A match which is abandoned without a ball being bowled shall not be replayed and the result shall be decided by the spin of the coin in the presence of the umpires. |
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