England in Pakistan
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  1. Except as specifically provided for hereafter, the Code of the Laws of Cricket 2000 together with standard playing conditions and subsequent amendments issued by ICC shall apply in all matches.

  2. Duration

    1. Test Matches will be of five (5) days duration.

    2. Other Tour matches will be of four (4) and three (3) days duration.

    3. There will be 5-1/2 hours play daily for Test matches at Lahore, Faisalabad and for 3 day and 4 day matches. There will be six hours play daily for Karachi Test Match

  3. Hours of Play and Intervals

    1. Times of starting and Drawing stamps
      The hours of play for Test matches at Lahore, Faislabad and for 3 day and 4 day matches are as follows

      Week Days

      1000 to 1200 hours Play 2 hours
      1200 to 1240 hours Lunch/Prayers 40 minutes
      1240 to 1440 hours Play 2 hours
      1440 to 1500 hours Tea 20 minutes
      1500 to 1630 hours Play 1-1/2 hours


      0940 to 1215 hours Play 2-1/2 hours
      1215 to 1315 hours Lunch/Prayers 1 hour
      1315 to 1445 hours Play 1-1/2 hours
      1445 to 1505 hours Tea 20 minutes
      1505 to 1635 hours Play 1-1/2 hours

      For Test Match at Karachi (Week Days)

      1000 to 1200 hours Play 2 hours
      1200 to 1240 hours Lunch/Prayers 40 minutes
      1240 to 1440 hours Play 2 hours
      1440 to 1500 hours Tea 20 minutes
      1500 to 1700 hours Play 2 hours


      1000 to 1230 hours Play 2-1/2 hours
      1230 to 1330 hours Lunch/Prayers 1 hour
      1330 to 1500 hours Play 1-1/2 hours
      1500 to 1520 hours Tea 20 minutes
      1520 to 1720 hours Play 2 hours

    Minimum overs in the day

    1. Play shall continue on each day until the completion of minimum number of overs or until the scheduled or re-scheduled cessation time, whichever is the later.

    2. The minimum number of overs to be completed, unless an inning ends or an interruption occurs, shall be:

      1. on days other than the last day - a minimum of 83/90 overs. (or a minimum of 15 overs per hour).

      2. On the last day - a minimum of 68/75 overs (or a minimum of 15 overs per hour) for playing time other than the last hour when Clause (e) below shall apply.

      3. Additional Hour: Subject to weather and light, except in the last hour of the match, in the event of play being suspended for any reason other than normal intervals, the playing time on that day shall be extended by the amount of time lost up to a maximum of one hour. In these circumstances, the minimum number of overs to be bowled shall be in accordance with the provisions of this clause i.e. a minimum of 15 over per hour and the cessation time shall be rescheduled accordingly.

      4. If play has been suspended for 30 minutes or more prior to the commencement of the scheduled tea interval, the tea interval shall be delayed for half an hour.

      5. If any time is lost and cannot be made up under (iii) above, additional time of up to a maximum of one hour per day shall be added to the scheduled playing hours for the next day, and subsequent day(s) as required (to make up as much lost time as possible). Of this additional time the first 30 minutes (or less) shall be added prior to the scheduled start of the first session, and the remainder shall be added to the last session. When additional time is added to subsequent day(s), no scheduled days play shall exceed 7 hours. The length of each session of play under this experimental condition is subject to the provision of Law 15. Under Law 15.5 timings can be altered at any time on any day if playing time is lost, not necessarily on that day. The captains, umpires and the referee can agree different timings under those circumstances before play start on any day.

    3. When an innings ends a minimum number of overs shall be bowled from the start of the new innings. The number of overs to be bowled shall be calculated at the rate of one over for each full four minutes to enable a minimum of 83/90 overs to be bowled in a day. The last hour of the match shall be excluded from this calculation when Clause (e) shall apply.

      Where a change of innings occurs during a day's play, in the event of the team bowing second being unable to complete its over by the scheduled cessation time, play shall continue until the require number of overs have been completed

      Where there is a change of innings during a day's play (except at lunch or tea) 2 over will be deducted from the minimum number of overs to be bowled

    4. Except in the last hour of the match, for which Clause (e) makes provision, if play is suspended due to adverse weather or light for more than one hour in aggregate on any day, the minimum number of overs shall be reduced by one over for each full 4 minutes of the aggregate playing time lost.

    5. On the last day, if any of the minimum of 68/75 overs or as recalculated, have not been bowled when one hour of scheduled playing time remains, the last hour of the match for the purposes of Clause (shall be the hour immediately following the completion of those overs

    6. Law 16.6. and 16.7 will apply except that a minimum of 15 overs shall be bowled in the last hour and all calculation with regard to suspensions of play or the start of a new innings shall be based on one over for each full 4 minutes. (refer (i) below). If, however, at any time after 30 minutes of the last hours have elapsed both Captains (the batsmen at the wicket may act for their Captain) accept that there is no prospect of a result to the match, they may agree to cease play at the time.

    7. Notwithstanding any other provision, there shall be no further play on any day, other than the last day, if a wicket falls or a batsmen retires or if the players have occasion to leave the field during the last minimum over within 2 minutes of the scheduled or re-scheduled cessation time or thereafter.

    8. An over completed on resumption of a new day's play shall be disregarded in calculating minimum overs for that day

    9. Except on the final day, if in the event of ground, weather or light conditions causing a suspension of play and /or if the players are already off the field at the re-scheduled cessation time or any time thereafter, stumps shall be drawn

    10. Fractions are to be ignored in all calculations re the number of overs except where there is a change of innings in a day's play, when the over in progress at the conclusion shall be rounded up.

    11. The scoreboard shall show:

      • The total number of overs bowled with the ball currently in use: and
      • The minimum number of overs remaining to be bowled in a day.
    12. Penalties shall apply for slow over-rate (refer ICC Code of Conduct)

    13. Extra Time

      The umpires may decide to play 30 minutes (a minimum of eight overs) extra time at the end of any day other than the last day if requested by either captain if, in the umpires opinion, it would bring about a definite result on that day (this is in addition to the maximum one hour's extra time provided for in 3.1 (a)(iii) above). If the umpires do not believe a result can be achieved no extra time shall be allowed

      If it is decided to play such extra time on one or more of these days, the whole period shall be played out even though the possibility of finishing the match may have disappeared before the full period has expired

      Only the actual amount of play time upto the maximum 30 minutes extra time by which play is extended on any day shall be deducted from the total number of hours of play remaining, and the match shall end earlier on the final day by the amount of time by which play was previously extended under this clause.

      Luncheon Interval

      Law 15.6. shall be replaced by the following:

      Lunch Interval will be of 40 minutes duration from 12.00 noon to 12.40 p.m. on week days (for all the Tests and first class matches) or 12.15 to 13.15 p.m. (for first two Tests and all first class matches), 12.30 p.m. to 13.30 p.m. (Test match at Karachi) on Fridays. Where an innings concludes, or there is a break in play, within 10 minutes of the scheduled or rescheduled interval, the interval will commence at that time and be limited to 40 minutes or 60 minutes on Fridays

      Tea Interval

      Tea Interval will be of 20 minutes duration from 14.40 p.m. to 15.00 p.m. on weeks day (for all the Tests and first class matches), or 14.45 p.m. to 15.05 p.m. (for first two Tests and all first class matches), 15.00 p.m. to 15.20 p.m. (Test match at Karachi) on Fridays or at the conclusion of the over in progress at the above time subject to the provisions of Law 15.

      Law 15.8 shall be replaced by the following:

      If at the scheduled time for the tea interval, the ninth wicket of the innings in progress is already down, or it falls at, or after that time, or falls when less then two minutes remain before that time, play will continue for a period of 30 minutes unless the players have course to leave the field of play, or the innings is concluded earlier.

      Intervals for Drinks

      The provisions of Law 15.9 shall be strictly observed except that under conditions of extreme heat the umpires may permit extra intervals for drinks

      An individual player may be given a drink either on the boundary edge or at the fall of a wicket, on the field, provided that no playing time is wasted. No other drinks shall be taken onto the field without the permission of the umpires. Any player taking drinks onto the field shall be dressed in proper cricket attire.

      Time Keeping

      In addition to Law 3.4:

      At each Test and One day International match center, the bell will be rung 5 minutes before the termination of an interval, when the umpires shall go to the wickets.

  4. Law 1.3 Captain

  5. The following shall apply in addition to Law 1.3 (a):

    The deputy must be one of the nominated players.

  6. Umpires

    1. A panel of umpires shall be set up by the Pakistan Cricket Board. From this panel, the PCB shall appoint umpires to stand in the matches in each centre. For Test matches, one umpire will be nominated by ICC.

    2. The Managers, Coaches, Captains and players of both teams shall not make any statement to the press or in public regarding the appointment and performance of umpires.

    3. Both umpires shall report themselves to the ground authority not less than one and half (11/2) hours before the start of play on each day of play.

    4. Both umpires shall remain on the ground unless released by the Ground Authority until half an hour after the agreed time for drawing stumps; if adverse weather conditions bring about an abandonment of play for the day, they must remain to supervise any drying of the pitch which may be possible. If there is likely to be a long period of waiting before conditions become suitable for drying the pitch they may be release by the Ground Authority but must hold themselves subject to recall.

      Their addresses and telephone numbers for the duration of the match must be left with the Ground Authority so that they may be available on call at any time.

    5. Neither team will have a right of objection to an umpire's appointment.

    5.1 Third Umpire/TV Replays

    5.2 General

    1. A separate room is provided for the third umpire and he has access to a television m0nitor and direct should link with the television control unit director to facilitate as may replays as is necessary to assist him in making a decision.

    2. The third umpire shall call for as many replays from any camera angle as is necessary to reach a decision. As a guide, a decision should be made within 30 seconds wherever possible, but the third umpire shall have discretion to take more time in order to finalize a decision.

    3. The on-field umpire has discretion whether to call for a TV replay or not and should take a common-sense approach. Players may not appeal to the umpire to use the replay system - breach of this provision would constitute dissent and the player could be liable for discipline under the Players and Team Officials Code.

    5.3 Run-out, Stumping, Caught and Hit Wicket Decision

    1. The on - field umpire shall be entitled to call for a TV replay to assist him in making a decision about a run - out, stumping, caught or hit wicket appeal.

    2. An on field umpire wishing the assistance of a TV replay shall signal to the third umpire by making the shape of a TV screen with his hands.

    3. If the third umpire decides the batsman is out a red light is displayed; a green light means not-out. Should the third umpire be temporarily unable to respond, white light (where available) will remain illuminated through - out the period of interruption to signify to the on - field umpires that the TV replay system is temporarily unavailable, in which case the decision will be taken by the on - field umpire.

    4. When reviewing the TV replay, if the third umpire find the batsman has between bowled rather than hit wicket or stumped, shall display the red light to show the batsman was dismissed.

    5.4 Caught Decisions

    1. Should the bowler's end umpire be unable to decide whether or not a catch was taken as per law 32, especially law 32.2 (c), he shall first consult with the square leg umpire.

    2. Should both umpires be unable to make a decision, the bowler's end umpire may then call for the third umpire to review a TV replay of the catch as in 4.2 (b).

    3. The third umpire has to determine whether the batsman bas been caught not whether or not he hit the ball.

    4. The third umpire shall communicate his decision by the re/green light system, as in 4.3 (c).

    5.5. Boundary Decisions

    1. The on field umpire shall be entitled to call for a TV replay to assist him in making decision about whether the fieldsman had any part of his person in contact with the ball when he touched or crossed the boundary line or whether a four or six had been scored. A decision is to be made immediately and cannot be changed thereafter.

    2. An on field umpire wishing the assistance of a TV replay shall signal to the third umpire by use of a two - way radio - the third umpire shall convey his decision to the on - field umpire by this method.

    3. The third umpire may initiate contact with the on - field umpire by two - way radio if TV coverage shows a boundary line infringement.

    5.6 Batsmen Runnng to the Same End

    1. In the event of both batsmen running to the same end and the umpires are uncertain over which batsmen made his ground first, the on-field umpire may call for a TV replay to assist him in making a decision.

    2. The procedure in 3.3 (c) shall apply.

    5.7 Light Meters

    The following procedure will apply for the use of light meters on the field of play:

    1. Once law 3.8 has been applied and the batsman have accepted the offer to leave the field because of bad light, the umpires immediately take a reading of the light level.

    2. The reading should be taken from the pitch, pointing the light meter (if the hand held version) at the sightscreen and in an other direction as the umpires see fit.

    3. Once the umpires have agree the reading it should be noted and used as a benchmark reading for the remainder of the stoppage.

    4. Only when the reading has subsequently increased above the benchmark reading should the umpires consider the light level is sufficient for play to resume.

  7. Substitutes

  8. 6.1 Law 2.1 (b) will apply as modified:

    1. The umpires shall have discretion, for other wholly acceptable reasons, to allow a substitute for a fielder, or a runner for a batsman, at the start of the match or at any subsequent time subject to consent being given by the opposing captain.

    6.3 Law 2.5 Fielder absent or leaving the field

    Law 2.5, shall apply as modified:

    If a fielder fails to take the field with his side at the start of the match or at any later time, or leaves the field during a session play, the umpire shall be informed of the reason for his absence, and he shall not thereafter come on to the field during a session of play without the consent of the umpire (See Law 2.6 as modified). The umpires shall give such consent as soon as practicable. If the player is absent from the field for longer than 8 minutes.

    1. the player shall not be permitted to bowl in that innings after his return until he has been on the field for at least that length of playing time for which he was absent. In the event of a follow-on, this restriction will, if necessary, continue into the second innings

    2. The player shall not be permitted to bat unless or until, in the aggregate, he has returned to the field and/or his side's innings has been in progress for at least that length of playing time for which he has been absent or, if earlier, when his side has lost five wickets.

    The restriction in (i) and (ii) above shall not apply if the player has suffered an external blow (as opposed to an internal injury such as a pulled muscle) whilst participating earlier in the match and consequently been forced to leave the field. Nor shall it apply if the player has been absent for very exceptional and wholly acceptable reasons (other than injury or illness) and consent for a Substitute has been granted by the opposing Captain.

    In the even of a fieldsman already being off the field at the commencement of an interruption in play through ground, weather or light conditions, he shall be allowed to count any such stoppage time as playing time, provided that he personally informed the umpires when he is fit enough to take the field had play been in progress.

    Law 2.6 - Player returning without permission

    Law 2.6 shall apply, except that clause 2.6 (iii) is deleted.

  9. Law 3.8 and Law 3.9 - Fitness of Ground, Weather and Light

    Add the following to Law 3.8:

    If conditions during a rain stoppage improve and the rain is reduced to drizzle, the umpires must consider if they would have suspended play in the first place under similar conditions. If both on-field umpires agree that the current drizzle would not have caused a stoppage, the play shall resume immediately.

    The umpires shall disregard any shadow on the pitch from the stadium or from any permanent object on the ground.

  10. Law 5 - The Ball

    The Red Kookaburra ball will be used in all Test and First Class matches. PCB shall provide cricket balls and spare used balls shall be of the same brand. The fielding Captain or his nominee may selected the ball with which he wished to bowl from the supply provided by the PCB. The fourth umpire shall take a box containing at least 6 new balls to the dressing room and supervise the selection of the ball.

    The umpires shall retain possession of the match ball(s) throughout the duration of the match when play is not actually taking place. During play umpires shall periodically and irregularly inspect the condition of the ball and shall retain possession of it at the fall of a wicket, a drinks interval, at the end of each over, or any other disruption in play.

    Law 5.4 - New Ball in a match of more than one day's duration

    The following shall apply in place of Law 5.4:

    The Captain of the fielding side shall have the choice of taking a new ball any time after 80 overs have been bowled with the previous ball. The umpire shall indicate to the batsman and the scorers whenever a new ball is taken into play.

    Law 5.5. - Ball Lost or Becoming Unfit for Play

    The following shall apply in addition to Law 5.5:

    However, if the ball needs to be replaced after 110 over for any of the reasons above, it shall be replaced by a new ball. If the ball is to be replaced, the umpires shall inform the batsmen.

    Law 5.6 Specifications

    Law 5.6 shall not apply.

  11. Law 6 - The Bat

  12. Add the following sentence to Law 6.1:

    The blade of the bat shall have a conventional "flat" face.

  13. Law 7 - The Pitch

  14. In addition to the Law 7.3, the following will apply:

    Captain, umpires, the referee and Groundsmen should co-operate to ensure that, prior to the start of any day's play, no-one bounces a ball on the pitch or strikes it with a bat to assess its condition or for any other reason, or causes damage to the pitch in any other way.

    Prior to the start of play on any day, only the Captain and team Coach may walk on the pitch to assess its condition. Spiked footwear is not permitted.

    Prior to the commencement of a day's play, one TV commentator and camera crew of the official licensed TV broadcaster/s (but not news crew) may be permitted to inspect the pitch and surrounds subject to the following:

    1. a ball must not be bounced on the ptich

    2. A key or knif may only inserted in the pitch in the area between the popping crease and bowling creases

    In the event of any dispute, the referee in consultation with PCB will rule and his ruling will be final.

    Law 7.4. Changing the Pitch

    The following shall apply in place of Law 7.4:

    1. In the event of a pitch being considered too dangerous for play to continue in the estimation of the match umpires, they shall stop play and immediately advise referee.

    2. The match umpires and referee shall consult with both captains.

    3. If the captains agree play shall resume.

    4. If the decision is not to resume play, the match umpires shall consider one of the following options:

      1. whether the existing pitch can be repaired. Repair work will only be considered if there has been malicious damage to a non-crucial part of the pitch;

      2. whether the alternative pitch can be used (but see above);

      3. whether the match has to be abandoned.

    5. When such a decision is made, the ground authority shall make a public announcement as soon as possible following that decision.

    6. In the event of a decision being taken in favour of 4(a) or 4(b) above, the supervision of the remedial or new preparatory work shall be the responsibility of the match umpires and the representative of the ground authority.

    7. The rescheduled starting time and the rescheduled cessation time, together with any make-up procedures in either the existing or experimental regulations, shall be the responsibility of the match umpires

    8. In the even that existing pitch can be made playable after suitable remedial work ( 4(a) above ) the match shall continue from the point stopped.

    9. If a new pitch is prepared ( 4(b) above), the match shall be restarted from the first ball (but see above).

    10. If the decision is to abandon the match ( 4(c) above ), the relevant officials from the PCB and ECB shall agree on whether the match can be replayed within the existing tour schedule

  15. Law 9.3 - The Popping Crease

  16. Law 9.3. shall apply, except that the reference to "a minimum of 6 ft." Shall be replaced by "a minimum of 15 yards".

  17. Law 10 - Preparation and maintenance of the playing area

  18. 10.6 Maintenance of Foot Holes - Law 10.6 will apply but add:

    The umpires shall see that wherever possible and whenever it is considered necessary, action is taken during all intervals in play to do whatever is practicable to improve the bowler's foot holes. As soon as possible after the conclusion of each day's play, bowlers foot holes will be repaired.

  19. Law 11 - Covering the Pitch - Before and During a Match

  20. In place of law 11.2, 11.3 and 11.4 the following shall apply:

    In all matches, the pitch shall be entirely protected against rain up to the commencement of play and for the duration of the period of the match. It shall be wholly covered at the termination of each day's play or providing the whether is fine, within a period of two hours thereafter.

    The covers shall be removed no earlier than 5.00 a.m. and no later than 7.00 a.m. on each morning of the match provided it is not raining at the time, but they will be replaced if rain falls prior to the commencement of play.

    NOTE: The covers must totally protect the pitch and also the pitch surroundings, a minimum 5 meter either side of the pitch and any worn or soft areas in the outfield, as well as the bowlers run-ups to a distance of at least 10 x 10 maters.

    Attention is drawn to Clause 7.

  21. Drying of Pitch and Ground

    1. Prior to tossing for choice of innings the artificial drying of the pitch and outfield shall be at the discretion of the Groundsman. Thereafter and throughout the match the drying of the outfield may be undertaken at any time by the Groundsman, but the drying of the affected area of the pitch shall be carried out only on the instructions and under the supervision of the umpires. The umpires shall be empowered to have the pitch dried without reference to the Captains at any time they are of the opinion that it is unfit for play.

    2. The Umpires may instruct the Groundsman to use any available equipment, including any roller for the purpose of drying the pitch and making it fit for play.

    3. Note - an absorbent roller may be used to remove water from the covers including the cover on the match pitch.

  22. Law 12 - Innings

  23. Law 12.1 (a) shall apply as modified:

    1. A match shall be two innings per side subject to the provisions of Law 13.1

    Law 12.1. (b) and 12.3 (e) shall not apply.

  24. Law 13 - The Follow on

  25. Add the following to Law 13.1:

    If the provision of clause 3.1 (a) (v) is applied the additional time is regarded as part of that day's play for the purpose of Law 13.3, i.e. it is the number of days remaining and not the total number of hours available.

  26. Law 17 - Practice on the Field

  27. At no time on any day of the match shall there be any bowling or batting practice on the pitch or the square, except in official netted practice pitch areas. In addition there shall be no bowling or batting practice on any part of the square or the area immediately parallel to the match pitch after the commencement of play on any day. Any fieldsman contravening this Law may not bowl in the next over.

    No practice may take place on the field if, in the opinion of the umpires, it could result in waste of time. In this circumstance Law 42.9 shall apply.

  28. Law 18 -Scoring Runs

  29. Law 18.5 shall apply, except for clause (b) (iv) which is deleted.

  30. Law 19 - Boundaries

  31. Add the following Law 19.1:

    The playing area shall be a minimum of 140 yards from boundary to boundary square of the pitch. The pitch shall be a minimum 60 yards from one boundary square of the pitch. When this minimum distance is used, the pitch has to be a minimum 80 yards from the opposite square boundary. The straight boundary at both ends of the pitch shall be a minimum of 60 yards. Distances shall be measured form the center of the pitch to be used.

    Note: Any ground on which a Test or One day International has been played prior to 1st July 1995 which does not conform with these minimum dimensions shall be exempted from this playing condition. Any new ground must conform to these minimum dimensions.

    If an unauthorized person enters the playing arena and handles the ball, the umpire at the bowler's end shall be the sole judge of whether the boundary allowance should be scored or the ball be treated as still in play or called dead ball if a batsman in liable to be out as a result of the unauthorized person handling the ball. See law 19.1 (c).

    Sightscreens shall be provided at both ends of all grounds. Advertising shall be permitted on the sightscreen behind the striker, providing it is remove for the subsequent over from that end.

  32. Law 21 - The Result

  33. Law 21 shall apply with the following:

    Any query on the result of the match as defined in Law 21.1, 21.3, 21.4, 21.5, 21.8, 21.10 shall be resolved as soon as possible and a final decision made by the umpires at close of play.

  34. Law 22 - The Over

  35. Law 22.5 shall apply with the following:

    Whenever possible the third umpire or TV umpire shall liaise with the scorers and if possible inform the on-field umpires if the over has been miscounted..

  36. Law 24 No Ball

  37. Law 24.1 (b) shall be replaced by the following:

    The bowler may not deliver the ball underarm. If a bowler bowls a ball underarm the umpire shall call and signal dead ball, and the ball is to be re-bowled overarm.

  38. Law 24.4 - Fair Delivery - The Arm

  39. Law 24.2 shall apply, except that the reference to ‘Governing body” shall replaced by ‘ICC match referee’

  40. Law 24.6 - Ball coming to rest in from of striker’s wicket

  41. Law 24.6 and Law 24.7 shall be replaced by the following:

    In addition, the umpire at the bowler’s end shall call and signal no ball if a ball which the Umpire considers to have been delivered:

    1. bounces more than twice or
    2. rolls along the ground or
    3. comes to rest

    before it reaches to striker or, if not otherwise played by the striker before it reaches the popping crease. If the ball comes to rest in such circumstances, the umpire will call No Ball and Law 25.3 shall apply.

  42. Law 25.1 - Judging a Wide

  43. Law 25.1 will apply, but in addition:

    For bowlers whom umpires consider to be bowling down the leg side as a negative tactic, the One Day International Wide interpretation will be applied as follows:

    Any offside or leg side delivery which in the opinion of the umpire does not give the batsman a reasonable opportunity to score shall be called a wide. As a guide, on the leg side a ball clearly outside the leg stump going further away shall be called wide (refer Law 42.6).

  44. Law 32 - Caught

  45. Add the following to Law 32.1:

    The striker is out under this Law if the ball is deflected from his bat onto the helmet he is wearing and a fair catch is taken. Runs may be scored off deflection from the batsman’s or fielder’s helmet.

  46. Helmets

  47. The following will apply to the batsman:

    A batsman may call for a helmet to be brought out to him at any time. He must then wear or carry it personally all the time while play in progress, or can have it taken off the field at the fall of a wicket, or at the end of an over, or at any drinks interval.

    In all cases, no action involving helmets are to waste playing time. Umpires are not to hold helmets.

  48. Law 41 - The Fielder

  49. Law 41 shall apply with the following:

    The exchanging of protective equipment between member of the fielding side on the field shall be permitted provided that the umpires do not consider that it constitutes a waste of playing time. A batsman may only change other items of protective equipment (e.g. batting gloves, etc.) provided that there is no waste of playing time.

  50. Law 41.2 Fielding the ball shall apply, except that clause (c) is deleted.

  51. Law 42.3 - The Math Ball - changing its condition

  52. No penalty runs will be awarded under this law. In the event that any fielder changes the condition of the ball unfairly, the umpires shall report the incident to the referee under the Code of Conduct. Law 42.3 shall apply as modified:

    1. that the reference to ‘Governing Body’ shall be replaced by ‘ICC match referee’.

    2. Delete Law 42.3 (d)(iii)

    3. Delete Law 42.3 (e)(ii) and replace with the following:

    4. Inform the captain of the fielding side of the reason for the action taken.

    And in addition to Law 42.3:

    In the event that a ball has been interfered with and requires replacement the batsman at the wicket shall choose the replacement ball from a selection of six other balls of various degrees of usage (including a new ball) and of the same brand as the ball in use prior to the contravention.

  53. Law 42.4 - Deliberate attempt to distract striker

  54. No penalty runs shall be awarded under this Law. If the umpires consider that any action by a member of the fielding side is a deliberate attempt to distract the striker the incident shall be reported to the referee under the Code of Conduct. Law 42.4

    1. that the reference to ‘Governing Body’ shall be replaced by ‘ICC match referee’.

    2. Delete Law 42.4(b)(i)

    Neither batsman shall be dismissed from that delivery and the ball shall not count as one of the over.

  55. Law 42.5 - Deliberate distraction or obstruction of batsman

  56. Law 42.5 shall apply, and penalty runs shall be awarded, for any willful attempt to obstruct the batsman as defined in the Law. However, no penalty runs shall be awarded if the umpires consider that a member of the fielding side willfully attempts to distract the batsman under this Law. Instead the incident shall be reported to the referee under the Code of Conduct.

    Law 42.5 is split into two components and shall apply as modified:

    For obstruction

    1. That the reference to ‘Governing Body’ shall be replaced by ‘ICC match referee’.

    2. Delete law 42.5(b)(vi)

    For deliberate distraction

    1. that the reference to ‘Governing body’ shall be replaced by ‘ICC match referee’.

    2. Delete Law 42.5(b)(iv)

    Neither batsman shall be dismissed form that delivery and the runs in progress shall be scored whether or not the batsman have crossed at the instant of the call.

  57. Law 42.6 - Dangerous and Unfair Bowing - The Bowing of Fast Short Pitched Balls

  58. Law 42.6(a)(ii) shall be replaced by the following:

    1. A bowler shall be limited to tow fast short pitched deliveries per over.

    2. A fast short pitched ball is defied as a ball which passed or would bave passed above the shoulder height of the Batsman standing upright at the crease.

    3. In the event of a bowler bowling more than two fast short pitched deliveries in an over, either umpire shall call and signal no ball on each occasion.

    A differential signal shall be used to signify a fast short pitched delivery. The umpire shall call and signal “no ball” and then tap the head with the other hand.

    If a bowler delivers a third fast short pitched ball in one over, not only must the umpire call no b all, but he must invokes the procedures of outlined in clause 35 in regard to cautioning the bowler.

    If a bowler no balled a second time in the innings for the same offence, the umpire shall advise the bowler this is final warning as provided for in Law 42.7(b).

    A third such offence in the same innings shall cause the umpire to invoke Law 42.7(c) i.e. the bowler shall be removed forthwith and cannot bowl again in that innings.

    The above is not a substitute for Law 42.6(a)(i) (as amended below) which umpires are able to apply at any time.

  59. Law 42.6(a)(i)

  60. Law 42.6(a)(i) shall be replaced by the following:

    The bowling of fast short pitched balls is unfair if the umpire at the Bowler’s end considers that by their repetition and taking into account their length, height and direction, they are likely to inflict physical injury on the Striker, irrespective of the protective clothing and equipment he may be wearing. The relative skill of the Striker shall also be taken into consideration.

    In the event of such unfair bowling the umpire at the Bowler’s end shall adopt the following procedure:-

    1. In the first instance the umpire shall call and signal no ball, caution the Bowler and inform the other umpire, the Captain of the fielding side and the Batsmen of what has occurred.

    2. If this caution is ineffective, he shall repeat the above procedure and indicate to the Bowler that this is a final warning.

    3. Both the above caution and final warning shall continue to apply even though the Bowler may later change ends.

    4. Should the above warnings prove ineffective the umpire at the Bowler’s end shall:

      1. At the first repetition call and signal no ball and when the ball is dead direct the Captain to take the Bowler off forthwith and to complete the over with another Bowlers, provided that the Bowler does not bowl two overs or part thereof consecutively. See Law 22.8 (Bowler in capacitated or Suspended during an Over).

      2. Not allow the Bowler, thus taken off, to bowl again in the same innings.

      3. Report the occurrence to the Captain of the batting side as soon as the Players leave the field for an interval.

      4. Report the occurrence to the Executive of the fielding side and to the ICC match referee responsible for the match who shall take any further action which is considered to be appropriate against the Bowler concerned.

  61. Law 42.6 - The Bowling of High Full Pitched Balls

  62. Law 42.6(b) shall be replaced by the following:

    The bowling of fast high full pitched ball is unfair. Any fast high full pitched ball which passes or would have passed above waist height of the Batsman standing upright at the crease shall be called and signalled “No Ball” by the umpire at the bowler’s end.

    In the event of a bowler bowling a fast high full pitched ball (i.e. a beamer), the umpire at the Bowler’s end shall adopt the following procedure:

    1. In the first instance the umpire shall call and signal no ball, caution the Bowler and issue a first and final warning and inform the other umpire, captain of the field side and the Batsman of what has occurred.

    2. At the first repetition call and signal no ball and when the ball is dead direct the captain of the fielding side to take the Bowler off forthwith and to complete the over with another Bowler, provided that the Bowler does not bowl two over or part thereof consecutively.

    3. Not allow the Bowler, thus taken off, to bowl again in the same innings.

    4. Report the occurrence to both captains and the ICC match referee responsible for the match who shall take any further action which is considered to be appropriate against the Bowler concerned.

  63. Law 42.7 - Dangerous and unfair bowling - action by the umpire

  64. Law 42.7 shall not apply.

  65. Law 42.8 - Deliberate bowling of High Full pitched Balls

  66. Law 42.8 shall apply, except that the reference to clause 6(b) and 7 be replaced by the procedures of Clause 36 above.

  67. Law 42.9 - Time Wasting by the Fielding Side

  68. No penalty runs will be awarded under this Law. In the event of time wasting the umpires shall report the incident to the referee under the Code of Conduct.

    Law 42.9(b) shall apply as modified:

    If there is any further waste of time in that innings, by any member of the fielding side, the umpire shall:

    1. Call signal Dead Ball

    2. In form the other umpire, the batsman and, as soon as possible, the captain of the batting side of what has occurred.

    3. Report the occurrence, with the other umpire, to the ICC match referee, who shall take such action as is considered appropriate against the captain and team concerned.

  69. Law 42.10 - Batsman Wasting Time

  70. No penalty runs will be awarded under this Law. In the event of time wasting the umpires shall report the incident to the referee under the Code of Conduct.

    Law 42.10(b) shall apply as modified:

    If there is any further time wasting by any batsman in the innings, the umpire shall:

    1. Call and signal Dead Ball

    2. Inform the other umpire, the other batsman, the captain of the fielding side and, as soon as possible, the captain of the batting side, of what has occurred.

    3. Report the occurrence, with the other umpire, to the ICC match referee, who shall take such action as is considered appropriate against the captain and team concerned.

  71. Law 42.12 - Bowler running on the protected area after delivering the ball

  72. Law 42.12 shall apply, except that the reference to ‘Governing Body’ shall be replaced by ‘ICC match referee’.

  73. Law 42.13 - Fielder damaging the pitch

  74. Law 42.13 shall apply, except that clause (b)(iii) is deleted.

  75. Law 42.14 - Batsman damaging the pitch

  76. Law 42.14 shall apply, except that clause (c)(iv) is deleted.

  77. Law 42.16 - Batsman stealing a run

  78. Law 42.16 shall apply, except that clause (v) is deleted.

  79. Law 42.18 - Player’s Conduct

  80. Law 42.18 shall apply, except that the reference to ‘Governing Body’ shall be replaced by ‘ICC match referee’.

  81. “Hitting Up”

  82. Teams are required to observe Ground Authority regulation and to exercise the utmost care and caution when engaging in practice and pre-match warm-up and “hitting up” activities so as to avoid the risk of injury to member of the public damage to the centre wicket region and to perimeter fencing.

  83. Players Attire

  84. Captains shall spin the toss in regulation cricket attire. Similarly, members of both teams must be dressed in such attire at all presentation functions on the ground.

Date-stamped : 27 Nov2000 - 10:23