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Zimbabwe Under-19 in England, Previews

From the ZCU President | From the Headmaster in charge of Zimbabwe schools Cricket

From the ZCU President

The recent success of the senior team has sparked a far greater interest in cricket in Zimbabwe. Then the participating of the Under 15 team in the Lombard Competition helped to encourage our youngsters, and now the Under 19 have a chance to improve their cricket experience, which all adds up to provide so many more chances for our youthful cricketer to succeed.

The England Under 19 team played in Zimbabwe in January 1996 very successfully and we have noted their triumphant progress since then. We are aware of the immense task confronting our team, especially as our base for seletion invariably only concerns 10-11 schools and we have no county or club system for young professionals. Thus our youngsters are week-end cricketers who have gathered for practice and been encouraged to play winter cricket during our off season.

I wish the manager, Mr Peter Whalley, and his team every success and every good fortune.

The team is fortunate to have Andy Pycroft as senior coach, who, with his great experience of the game worldwide, supported by Donald Campbell who has captained Zimbabwe B, should encourage the lads to give a good account of themselves by realizing their potential.

Best wishes,

Peter F. Chingoka President (Zimbabwe Cricket Union)

From the Headmaster in charge of Zimbabwe schools Cricket

Since attaining test status, Zimbabwe now tours at all age-group levels. Last year we were privileged to make a wonderful and very important tour to England for the U15 World Cup, and all of this has helped enormously in the development of our junior cricket.

In 1996 England U19 toured Zimbabwe and indicated their extraordinary capability. This year our U19 side is touring Enlgand and we believe that it is going to be a tough tour but very much a learning curve for our under 19-age players. Zimbabwe has a proud record of developing its junior cricketers very early and many of them now appear in our national Test side.

Whilst finances, resouces and indeed the limited number of children still playing cricket in our country are always difficult factors in developing sides of this level, we believe that this particular team has the ability, unity and enthusiasm to perform extremely well and give a good account of themselves off the field, learn something about another people, enjoy mixing with those people, see something of that country and make new friends, beacuse that is one of the wonderful side-effects of playing the great game of cricket.

We are most grateful to all at home in Zimbabwe who have made this tour possible. There are a lot of very keen and willing supporters both amongst our sponsors and our school authorities as well as, of course, our parent body. We thank them for the enormous confidence they have shown us in supporting this tour.

To the English authorities, to everyone involved in the United Kingdom in making this tour possible, we thank you for your extraordinary generosity and hospitality and I hope our U19 side returns very much better cricketers than when they left us.

On behalf of Schools' we wish Mr Peter Whalley, the Tour Manager, Andy Pycroft and Donald Campbell, as Team Advisers, the very best of luck on this tour.

Clive R Barnes Headmaster in charge of Zimbabwe Schools' Cricket
Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 15:06

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