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Youth Match
Hercules v Kampong
? May 1932

Result: Kampong won by 45 runs


Kampong innings
H vd Blij             lbw                b van Loo             13
H van Benthem         c van Spanje       b van Loo              9
H de Vries                               b ten Bensel           7
H van Lelyveld        c Keers            b van Spanje          27
A van Benthem                            b van Loo              7
B Moerkoert                              b van Loo             32
J vd Wal              lbw                b van Spanje           9
J Nijland             not out                                   0
H Dambrink                               b van Loo              0
Extras                                                         14
Total                 (8 wickets decl, 46.5 overs)            118

DNB: van Raalte,  one player unknown.

FoW: ?

Bowling                      O      M      R      W
van Loo                     23.5    7     51      5
van Spanje                  14      2     33      2
ten Bensel                   9      2     20      1

Hercules innings
D Brand                                  b van Benthem          0
H ten Bensel                             b Moerkoert           12
A van Spanje          c Lelyveld         b van benthem          3
R van Loo             not out                                  32
H Keers               not out                                   0
J Koopmans                               b Moerkoert            6
C Faber                                  b vd Bijl              1
AJ vd Griendt                            b van Benthem          1
G Birnie                                 b van Benthem          0
K Albrecht                               b vd Bijl              1
P Schnetkamp          c van Raalte       b Moerkoert            0
Extras                                                         15
Total                 (all out)                                73

FoW: ?

Bowling: ?

  • Kampong declared because of a dispute over the age of some of the players; the oldest two did not bat.

Domestic Season Index

 Source:: De Herculaan, 28 May 1932
 Contributed by Louis van Dompselaar (
 © Copyright CricInfo

Date-stamped : 05 Nov2001 - 03:20