1st Match: Sri Lanka v Zimbabwe at Colombo, 8 Dec 2001

Run-Rate Comparison

            1st innings                        2nd innings
Ov     Score  RO    RR  RR5o     Score  RO    RR  RR5o RRreq Rreq Brem Wr

 1       0/1   0  0.00   -         4/1   4  4.00   -    0.71   35  294  9
 2       0/1   0  0.00   -        10/1   6  5.00   -    0.60   29  288  9
 3       6/1   6  2.00   -        24/1  14  8.00   -    0.31   15  282  9
 4      11/1   5  2.75   -        32/1   8  8.00   -    0.15    7  276  9
 5      11/3   0  2.20  2.20
 6      13/3   2  2.16  2.60
 7      13/3   0  1.85  2.60
 8      13/3   0  1.62  1.40
 9      18/3   5  2.00  1.40
10      26/3   8  2.60  3.00
11      27/6   1  2.45  2.80
12      28/6   1  2.33  3.00
13      30/7   2  2.30  3.40
14      32/7   2  2.28  2.80
15      37/8   5  2.46  2.20

 RO: Runs off the over
 RR: Run-rate for the innings
 RR5o: Run-rate from the last 5 overs
 RRreq: Run-rate required to win the match
 Rreq: Runs required to win
 Brem: Balls remaining
 Wr: Wickets remaining


Date-stamped : 08 Dec2001 - 14:32