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Kanga Rules


    1. Name of the Tournament
    The tournament shall be called Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League and shall be controlled,managed and conducted by Mumbai Cricket Association (M.C. A) through a Sub Committee hereinafter called as Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee which shall be appointed by the Managing committee of Mumbai Cricket Association.

    2. Term Club/Gymkhana
    In these rules the term Club/Gymkhana shall include an Association other than Mumbai Cricket Association.

    3. Divisions - Clubs/Gymkhanas Participating in each division.

      i.   Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League shall consist of not more than 98 Clubs/Gymkhanas in all divisions,which shall be divided into 7 divisions viz. A,B,C,D,E,F, and G and each division shall consist of 14 Clubs/Gymkhanas teams.

      ii.  There will be 14 teams in divisions A to G. At the end of the season 4 teams at the bottom from 'G' division will be replaced by the 4 teams at the top of the Kanga League knock out tournament.

    4. Participation in League
    Unless otherwise resolved by the Mumbai Cricket Association, Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League shall be open to the Cricket Club of India and Clubs/Gymkhanas affiliated/associated to the Mumbai Cricket Association except College Gymkhanas,Office Clubs,the TImes of India Challenge Shield Cricket Tournament Committee, The Shapur Spencer Cricket Committee, Thane Sporting Club Committee and inter Bhandari Cricket Committee.

    5. Entry form and entry fees

      a.  Any Club/Gymkhana desirous of participating in Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League shall along with the entry from pay an entrance fee of Rs.25/- and the last date of receiving the entry form will be 15th February of every year till 6.00 p.m. If 15th February happens to be a Sunday or a gazetted holiday, then the last date will be the next working day. The entry forms will be made available from 1st February onwards every year and is shall be sole responsibility of the Clubs/Gymkhanas to ensure that the same reaches the office of Mumbai Cricket Association within the stipulated time period. Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee undertakes no responsibility for sending intimation to each Member Club/Gymkhana separately,but a Press note to this effect may be issued in prominent local newspapers.

      b.  Acceptance of entry form and entrance fee does not automatically make the Club/Gymkhana eligible to play in the League. The Managing Committee of the Mumbai Cricket Association or Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee reserves the right to accept or reject any entry without assigning any reason before the start of the League.

    6. Entry in Tournament
    Each Club/Gymkhana will send only one entry.

    7. Drawing out Fixtures
    Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee shall draw out the fixtures of the matches and issue copies of the same to the participating Clubs/Gymkhanas about 7 days prior to the commencement of the League.

    8. Eligibility

      a.  A Player who is not registered with the Mumbai Cricket Association shall not be permitted to play for any Club/Gymkhana. Any player or Club/Gymkhana acting in contravention of this rule shall be dealt with as hereinafter in the rules.

      b.  Secretaries shall ensure that all the players playing for their Club/Gymkhana are duly registered with the Mumbai Cricket Association and also have registration renewed for the particular cricket season. If any Club/Gymkhana plays an unregistered player or a player who has not renewed his registration for the particular Cricket season, that Club/Gymkhana or the player or both,will face disciplinary action and the Club/Gymkhana will be demoted to one division lower than its standing at the end of the League. The Club/Gymkhana will be demoted to one division lower than its standing at the end of the League. The Club/Gymkhana will complete the remaining matches of the leagues without the unregistered/unrenewed player/s.

      c.  Every player playing for a Club/Gymkhana in the league shall be bonafide resident of Brihan Mumbai Thane District. Honorary Secretary of the Club/Gymkhana shall see that registered card of the players are carried by him during matches if required for verification.

    9. Availability of grounds for association

      a.  Clubs/Gymkhana participating in the league shall be bound to place at the disposal of Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee their grounds and amenities pertaining thereto such as prepared pitch, shed/pavilion,tent,tables,chairs,scoreboards etc. belonging to them for the matches. Clubs/Gymkhanas are requested to provide at least 30 chairs for each match.

      b.  In case of an adverse report from Umpires about the ground and the amenities provided the Clubs playing the match will deposit the ground hire charges in the office of M.C. A. and defaulting club will be fined Rs.250/- only,for the default.

    10. Payments

      a.  If a match is played on neutral ground ,a Club/Gymkhana shall pay to the Club/Gymkhana concerned Rs.200/- each as its half share of expenses as per Rule-9 also includes P.W.D. Charges. On such occasion tea and refreshment charges shall be mutually agreed upon by both Clubs/Gymkhana.

      b.  If a Club/Gymkhana plays on the ground of its opponents, it shall pay a sum of Rs.200/- as its half share of expenses as Rule-9 above,which will include charges for P.W.D., tea and refreshments also. The payment shall be made only against printed bill/receipt issued by the Club/Gymkhana or its grounds man.

      c.  If a match is abandoned without a ball being bowled, each Club/Tympana shall pay Rs.50/- as ground charges for preparation of the pitch and Rs.50/- for the erection for the tent. If the tent is not erected only ground charges shall be paid.

      d.  The Umpires shall be appointed by the Board of Umpires of the Mumbai Cricket Association and they shall be paid on the day of the match an honorarium of Rs.150/- per day, inclusive of travelling and other expenses.
      The Charges setout in Rule 10(a),(b),(c) and (d) shall be paid immediately after the conclusion or abandonment of the match.
      In case of complaint for the ground and/or tent and/or furniture, the Club/Gymkhana Umpires shall mention its grievances to Honorary Secretary of Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee.

    11. Award of Points

      a.  Points shall be awarded as per the table mentioned below:

      i. Outright win 8 points
      ii. Team leading on the first innings and both innings not completed 5 points
      iii. Team losing in the first innings and both innings not completed 3 points
      iv. For a tie where both teams have completed two innings 4 points each
      v. For a tie on the first innings and no outright result 3 points each
      vi. Drawn match with no first innings result provided there is minimum 2 hours of actual play 3 points each
      vii. Abandoned match without a ball being bowled.(Match called off by the Umpires on the ground) 2 points each
      viii. For an outright loss NIL

      b.  Three Clubs/Gymkhanas at the top of the B,C,D,E,F and G divisions shall be promoted in each succeeding year to divisions A,B,C,D,E and F respectively and three Clubs/Gymkhanas at the bottom of each of the A,B,C,D,E and F divisions shall be relegated to B,C,D,E,F and G divisions respectively . Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee however reserves the right to promote/relegate more or less Clubs/Gymkhanas in any Division, if action is taken against any Club/Gymkhana is readmitted after the expiry of the period of the debarment as provided hereafter in Rule 16 and under Rule 18 if a Club/Gymkhana which is already participating does not enter in the League in a particular year.

      c.  For the purpose of promotion/relegation if two or more Clubs/Gymkhanas in a particular division secure equal number of points, their relative positions in the Table of Points shall be determined by the averages. The batting average of a Club/Gymkhana shall be obtained by dividing the total number of runs scored by the total number of wickets lost. The batting average against a Club/Gymkhana shall be obtained by dividing the total number of runs scored against by the total number of wickets taken. The former shall be divided by the later and the Club/Gymkhana having a higher quotient shall be placed above the Club/Gymkhana having a lower quotient.
      For the purpose of computing averages a side declaring its innings closed shall be deemed to have lost the number of wickets that have actually fallen. In case, a team has played with less than 11 players, it shall be deemed to have lost all the ten wickets when its innings was terminated.

      d.  If in any one year, the maximum number of matches played are less than five, the rule 11(b) for the promotion and relegations of the Clubs/Gymkhanas will be suspended for that year. For this only the cancellation of the matches by Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee on the eve of the programme and subsequently announced in the local newspapers or on All India Radio, Mumbai between 7.00 a.m. and 7.05 a.m. on Mumbai B in Marathi on the morning of the match on the match on the day of the matches shall count as the matches abandoned (not played)

      e.  A Club/Gymkhana which was stopped participating in the League wishes to enter again, it shall be placed in the lowest division of the League irrespective of the division in which that Club/Gymkhana was playing at the time when it stopped participating, provided however, that Club/Gymkhana at that time was not relegated from the Division G having finished low in the table of points in which case the Club/Gymkhana will have to play in the knock out rounds to qualify again to be placed in the last division of the League proper.

      f.  In case of the tie for the Championship sin any division because of securing equal number of points the Championship shall be determined by averages to be worked out as stated in rule 11(c) above. If average obtained are also equal then the position will be decided by the spin of coin.

    12. Score-sheets, Captains Report on Umpires and Umpires Reports

      a.      i.  Every participating Club/Gymkhana shall submit to Dr.H.D.Kanga Cricket League Sub           Committee complete score sheet signed by the Captains within 5 days of the completion of the match. They are requested to mention exact points gained by them from the match.
              ii.  The Captains Report on Umpires within 5 days of the completion of every match.
             iii.  In case of non compliance of the above requirement the defaulting Club/Gymkhana will have to pay a penalty of Rs.250/- for each default.

      b.  Umpires shall mention in the scorebooks of the Clubs/Gymkhanas about the number of runs scored, wickets lost and number of overs bowled in every innings in figures and words as well, and pen their signatures (for example, if a side has made 89 runs in 30 overs and 3 balls and has lost 7 wickets, the Umpires shall mention as seven wickets for eighty nine runs in thirty overs and three balls).

      c.  The two Umpires to give their individual reports about administrative and ground arrangements including the condition of the pitch and also about any incident affecting the match.
      Umpires who do not send completed reports within 5 days of the completion of the match, may not be considered for further posting.

    13. Withdrawal

      a.  Any club after having sent an entry in the League and having been selected to participate in the League desires to withdraw from the League, shall give an intimation in writing to Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee Secretary at least 15 clear days prior to the commencement of league.

      b.  No withdrawal may be permitted thereafter unless the League Sub- Committee is convinced of such withdrawal.

      c.  If the club still desires to withdraw within 15 days of the start of the League, then they must intimate to the Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee Secretary accordingly along with a penalty of Rs.1000/- which shall be deposited with the Association.

      d.  In addition the club withdrawing shall pay half the share of the ground charges and Umpires charges for the match, if applicable, at the time of withdrawal.

      e.  Failure to pay the fine within 4 days of the above default shall result in the club being removed from all the tournaments of the Association for the season and further one year in the same division.

      f.  However the club withdrawing as such wishes to re- enter next year then they shall be allowed to re enter in the Kanga League as stipulated in rule 11(e) above.

    14. Walkover/Conceding the match

      a.  Club/Gymkhana giving a walkover in a match of the League shall be disqualifies for further participation in the League and shall forfeit all the points so far scored in the League.
      Also the points already scored by the Club/Gymkhana against the team being disqualified shall not be taken into consideration.

      b.  Such Club/Gymkhana who has been disqualified Shall be debarred from participating in the league or Kanga League knock out tournament for next three years.
      If the club desires to participate against in Kanga League shall start their participation from knock out only after the expiry of the period of debar.

      c.  Club/Gymkhana conceding the match in the League shall be disqualified for further participation in the League and shall forfeit all the points so far scored in the League. Also the points already scored by the Club/Gymkhana against the team being disqualified shall not be taken into consideration.

      d.  The Captain of such Club/Gymkhana shall be debarred for one year from participating the league.

    15. Penalty

      a.  If a Club/Gymkhana includes a player who is not registered or his renewal of registration not performed with the Mumbai Cricket Association or who is otherwise disqualified or ineligible to play, such a Club/Gymkhana shall be liable for action as specified below:

      b.  The Club/Gymkhana found guilty on the above count during the course of the League, shall not be permitted to play any more matches in the League during that year and the result of the matches played by that Club/Gymkhana till then, shall be declared null and void. Also all the points secured by the Clubs/Gymkhanas which have played against the defaulting Club/Gymkhana shall be treated as cancelled. In such cases the decision shall be taken by Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee within 7 days of the detection of the irregularity.

      c.  The Club/Gymkhana so punished and desirous to re- enter in the League next year shall be relegated to a division lower than the one in which it participated.

      d.  The Club/Gymkhana found guilty on the above count after the completion of the League shall be readmitted on expiry of the period for which that Club/Gymkhana was penalized, irrespective of its position in the table of points, if it wishes to play again in the next year. If that Club/Gymkhana is already facing the relegation, then it will be permitted to play in one division lower than the division in which it would have played after the relegation.

      e.  The player concerned shall be debarred from playing for a period of one year in the league.

    16. Readmission of Club/Gymkhana
    A Club/Gymkhana against whom any disciplinary action was taken may be admitted after the expiry of the period for which that Club/Gymkhana was punished to a division lower than the division in which it was playing at the time of the action.

    17. Interpretation of Rules
    The interpretation of these rules, construction and effect shall rest entirely with Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee whose decision on all matters whether covered or not by the rules, shall be final and binding on all participating Clubs/Gymkhanas

    18. Protest

      a.  A protest must be lodged within 48 hours after the completion of the match at the office of the Mumbai Cricket Association and must be accompanied by a protest fee of Rs.500/- which shall be refunded if the protest is upheld.Such protests shall be dealt at the earliest by Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee.

      b.  Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee shall be the sole judge of all the protests and disputes among Clubs/Gymkhanas participating in the league. It shall be entitled either on its own motion or on a complaint or protest lodged by any Club/Gymkhana participating in the League to investigate and finally decide on all matters.

      c.  If after investigations, Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee finds that any Clubs/Gymkhanas participating in the League has not paid the charges as payable under Rule 10 or finds any Club/Gymkhana guilty for any unfair practice or decides that any Club/Gymkhana has by unfair play gained or given undue advantage either for itself or to any other Club/Gymkhana participating in the League , it shall be entitled to levy such penalty as it may in its discretion think fit on the Club/Gymkhana found guilty.

      d.  Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee shall also be entitled at its discretion to vary, alter or cancel the points gained by the Club/Gymkhanas found guilty or to relegate either or both the Clubs/Gymkhanas to a division lower than its/their standing and if either Club/Gymkhana is already facing relegation before the action is taken, to relegate it to a division further lower than in which it would have played after the relegation. Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub COmmittee shall follow the rules of natural justice.

    19. Power to amend rules
    Dr.H.D.Kanga Memorial Cricket League Sub Committee shall be entitled to add, alter, cancel or otherwise amend the rules as and when it thinks fit, subject to the ratification by the Managing Committee of Mumbai Cricket Association.