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Bromborough Paints Merseyside Competition Fixtures 1998
18th April
Division 1
Aigburth        v       Runcorn
Cheshire Lines  v       Caldy
Port Sunlight   v       Buckley
Prescot         v       Ainsdale
Prestatyn       v       Rainhill
Sutton          v       St Asaph
Wavertree       v       Irby

Division 2
Liverpool Manweb v      Eastham & BP
Liverpool Nalgo v       Old Xaverians
Mersey Park     v       Wrexham
St Mary's OB    v       Parkfield (Wallasey)
Tranmere Vics   v       B'head St Mary's
Wirral          v       Whitefield (Roby)

19th April
Division 2
Old Parkonians  v       Mossley Hill

25th April
Division 1
Aigburth        v       Caldy
Ainsdale        v       Wavertree
Buckley         v       Cheshire Lines
Irby            v       Sutton
Rainhill        v       Port Sunlight
Runcorn         v       Prescot
St Asaph        v       Prestatyn

Division 2
B'head St Mary's v      Liverpool Nalgo
Eastham & BP    v       Old Parkonians
Mossley Hill    v       Mersey Park
Old Xaverians   v       Liverpool Manweb
Parkfield (Wallasey) v  Tranmere Vics
Whitefield (Roby) v     St Mary's OB
Wrexham         v       Wirral

2nd May
Division 1
Aigburth        v       Buckley
Cheshire Lines  v       Rainhill
Irby            v       Ainsdale
Port Sunlight   v       St Asaph
Prescot         v       Caldy
Prestatyn       v       Sutton
Wavertree       v       Runcorn

Division 2
Liverpool Manweb v      B'head St Mary's
Liverpool Nalgo v       Parkfield (Wallasey)
Mossley Hill    v       Eastham & BP
Old Parkonians  v       Old Xaverians
St Mary's OB    v       Wrexham
Tranmere Vics   v       Whitefield (Roby)
Wirral          v       Mersey Park

4th May
Division 1
Buckley v       Prescot
Prestatyn       v       Irby
Rainhill        v       Aigburth
Runcorn         v       Ainsdale
St Asaph        v       Cheshire Lines
Sutton          v       Port Sunlight
Wavertree       v       Caldy

Division 2
B'head St Mary's v      Old Parkonians
Mersey Park     v       St Mary's OB
Old Xaverians   v       Eastham & BP
Parkfield (Wallasey) v  Liverpool Manweb
Whitefield (Roby) v     Liverpool Nalgo
Wirral          v       Mossley Hill
Wrexham         v       Tranmere Vics

9th May
Division 1
Aigburth        v       St Asaph
Ainsdale        v       Caldy
Cheshire Lines  v       Sutton
Irby            v       Runcorn
Port Sunlight   v       Prestatyn
Prescot         v       Rainhill
Wavertree       v       Buckley

Division 2
Eastham & BP    v       B'head St Mary's
Liverpool Manweb v      Whitefield (Roby)
Liverpool Nalgo v       Wrexham
Mossley Hill    v       Old Xaverians
Old Parkonians  v       Parkfield (Wallasey)
St Mary's OB    v       Wirral
Tranmere Vics   v       Mersey Park

16th May
Division 1
Buckley         v       Ainsdale
Caldy           v       Runcorn
Port Sunlight   v       Irby
Prestatyn       v       Cheshire Lines
Rainhill        v       Wavertree
St Asaph        v       Prescot
Sutton          v       Aigburth

Division 2
B'head St Mary's v      Old Xaverians
Mersey Park     v       Liverpool Nalgo
Parkfield (Wallasey) v  Eastham & BP
St Mary's OB    v       Mossley Hill
Whitefield (Roby) v     Old Parkonians
Wirral          v       Tranmere Vics
Wrexham         v       Liverpool Manweb

23rd May
Division 1
Aigburth        v       Prestatyn
Ainsdale        v       Rainhill
Cheshire Lines  v       Port Sunlight
Irby            v       Caldy
Prescot         v       Sutton
Runcorn         v       Buckley
Wavertree       v       St Asaph

Division 2
Eastham & BP    v       Whitefield (Roby)
Liverpool Manweb v      Mersey Park
Liverpool Nalgo v       Wirral
Mossley Hill    v       B'head St Mary's
Old Parkonians  v       Wrexham
Old Xaverians   v       Parkfield (Wallasey)
Tranmere Vics   v       St Mary's OB

25th May
Division 1
Buckley         v       Caldy
Cheshire Lines  v       Irby
Port Sunlight   v       Aigburth
Prestatyn       v       Prescot
Rainhill        v       Runcorn
St Asaph        v       Ainsdale
Sutton          v       Wavertree

Division 2
Mersey Park     v       Old Parkonians
Parkfield (Wallasey) v  B'head St Mary's
St Mary's OB    v       Liverpool Nalgo
Tranmere Vics   v       Mossley Hill
Whitefield (Roby) v     Old Xaverians
Wirral          v       Liverpool Manweb
Wrexham         v       Eastham & BP

30th May
Division 1
Aigburth        v       Cheshire Lines
Ainsdale        v       Sutton
Caldy           v       Rainhill
Irby            v       Buckley
Prescot         v       Port Sunlight
Runcorn         v       St Asaph
Wavertree       v       Prestatyn

Division 2
B'head St Mary's v      Whitefield (Roby)
Eastham & BP    v       Mersey Park
Liverpool Manweb v      St Mary's OB
Liverpool Nalgo v       Tranmere Vics
Mossley Hill    v       Parkfield (Wallasey)
Old Parkonians  v       Wirral
Old Xaverians   v       Wrexham
Our thanks to Empire Publications Ltd for supplying this information.

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