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Test Batting - 1000 runs in a calendar year

Name                Mat    I  NO  Runs   HS     Ave     SR 100 50   Ct St Year
RT Ponting           15   28   5  1544  207   67.13  61.31   6  6   15  - 2005
RT Ponting           11   18   3  1503  257  100.20  60.26   6  4    8  - 2003
ML Hayden            14   25   3  1391  203   63.22  62.85   5  5   11  - 2001
RB Simpson           14   26   3  1381  311   60.04          3  7   26  - 1964
ML Hayden            15   29   3  1380  138   53.07  54.11   5  4   22  - 2005
ML Hayden            12   21   4  1312  380   77.17  75.66   5  3   23  - 2003
DC Boon              16   25   5  1241  164*  62.05          4  7   12  - 1993
MA Taylor            11   20   1  1219  219   64.15          4  5   10  - 1989
ML Hayden            11   17   1  1160  197   72.50  61.80   6  3   10  - 2002
KJ Hughes            14   27   3  1152  130*  48.00          2  8   11  - 1979
ML Hayden            14   27   1  1123  132   43.19  60.47   3  6   17  - 2004
MA Taylor            12   22   3  1112  334*  58.52          3  4   19  - 1998
MA Taylor            15   23   2  1106  170   52.66          4  5   25  - 1993
AR Border            11   20   3  1099  196   64.64          4  2   15  - 1985
DM Jones             11   18   3  1099  216   73.26          4  4    9  - 1989
AR Border            13   26   3  1073  162   46.65          3  6    7  - 1979
GS Blewett           15   25   0  1067  214   42.68          2  6   19  - 1997
RT Ponting           11   16   1  1064  154   70.93  68.51   5  2   15  - 2002
C Hill               12   21   2  1060  142   55.78          2  7    9  - 1902
WM Lawry             14   27   2  1056  157   42.24          2  6    3  - 1964
MJ Slater            14   25   2  1051  169   45.69  51.54   3  4    9  - 1999
ME Waugh             12   22   6  1034  153*  64.62          4  3   11  - 1998
DG Bradman            8   13   4  1025  201  113.88          5  2    5  - 1948
AR Border            11   19   3  1000  140   62.50          5  3    8  - 1986

Note: Matches are included above based on the year of their start date,
      regardless of when the runs were actually scored.
      The following aggregates change if innings played in Tests which
      spanned calendar years are allocated to their actual year
      (in some cases individual innings spanned two calendar years):
      KJ Hughes (1979) 1163.