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Hook and Newnham Basics Cricket Club - Formed 1937

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Hook and Newnham Basics CC Review 2002

The season started on a sour note. Failure to register our overseas player, Lloyd Moore, due to a misinterpretation of the registration rules cost the club all its points gained in the first two games. The good news was that this amounted to a heady 9 points!

Thereafter, things didn't get much better and by mid-June the club was still next to bottom with a won 1, lost 6 tally. But there is an ancient local saying that goes something like "'ook don't show its class till the solstice doth pass".

And so it proved. By winning 6 of its last 8 games, a creditable 10th place was achieved. Reliable performers in the persons of Keith Lovelock and Dave Hamer with bat, and Darren Bartlett and "Swanee" Rivers with ball held the team together. Not to mention Colin Hall who scored a maiden club 100.

The introduction of some younger players in mid-season had a very positive impact on the team, particularly in the fielding department. Praise is due to our groundsman, Kevin O'Kelly, for his unstinting dedication to the square and outfield, resulting in truly enviable playing conditions at Hook, augmented by this year's investment in new covers and a second set of double sight screens.

The club lost its grip on both the Guy Jewell and Aylward Cups, coming runner-up in both finals to Hartley Wintney and Finchampstead respectively.

e-mail Web-master Richard Isaacs