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Hambledon Cricket Club - Formed 1750

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Hambledon CC Review 2001 (written by Robert Norris)

Frequent unavailability, mid season resignations and the usual injury list were the tale of Hambledon's season which inevitably led to our relegation to SPL3 this summer. It was a very disappointing effort after such an encouraging previous season.

The Don's typical bad start was quickly turned round with three straight May wins over Cove, Old Basing and Easton & Martyr Worthy. Early June coincided with an excellent run in the Wadworth 6X Village Championship. But during this period, the resignation of skipper Ian Turner was a blow and losing a couple of games to weather, momentum was lost and by the seasons close, the wheels had come off with no further league victories achieved.

This, though, had no bearing on stand-in skipper Gary Shotton, who has usual gave his 110% plus everything else to the task. He deserved far more for his efforts. Selection became a nightmare as he was unable to field the same side each week. But the young replacements were enthusiastic and never let themselves down.

Jonnie Haworth, Paul Brighton and Dan Anderton will no doubt become regular first teamers this season. Turner (23 wickets) and Shotton (22) were the main wicket takers for season, Simon James proved to be the outstanding batsman. There were consistent contributions from Adrian Magrath and Rob Norris with the bat and Aussie 'Cheese' Field deserved more for his efforts with the ball (he must sort out his no-balling!).

Simon James returns as skipper for the coming season with Shotton retiring from playing (temporarily we hope). Ian Turner has reversed his decision to retire and his availability will invaluable as a younger looking Hambledon will be taking on the new challenges of SPL3.

After ending the previous two seasons fastened to the SL basement, Hambledon were more than content to finish in a healthy mid-table spot. The club ran into one or two snags on the overseas player front before Dave Carson (580 runs, 1999) returned from Sydney University Grade cricket to notch another 553 runs at an average of 50.27.

Significant contributions came from Simon Barnard, Simon James and John Burdekin, while Garry Shotton and Ed Saxel (both 21 wickets) provided ideal support for ex-Hampshire left-armer Ian Turner, who took 30 wickets - notably conceding only 293 runs off 159 overs. Overall, it was a pleasing season at Ridge Meadow, where the fruits of Topsy Turner's tireless labours have produced a picturesque country setting.

e-mail Web-master Richard Isaacs