
South Africa Local Commentary Bloopers
"Alan Kourie looks calm, but inside his chest beats a heart" -
Trevor Quirk during a tense B&H game.
"And there`s the George Headly Stand, named after George Headly"
- Trevor Quirk during the test between WI and SA at Bridgetown.
"There are 25000 people here today and they are all here to watch
the cricket" - Loius Karpus during the world cup.
"Omar Henry hit one or two boundries in his seven."- Nic Collis
during a Currie Cup Match.
"There`s Anil Kumble. We`re looking forward to seeing him bat,
he`s a very usefull bowler." - Martin Locke During the first test
SA vs IND.
"A very small crowd here today. I can count the people on one
hand - Can`t be more than 30" - Michael Abrahamson drung IND VS
"14 overs left, that`s 7 from each end" - Robin Jackman during
SRI VS SA at Colombo.
"We cross over now to the Waca, for the match between Pakistan
and Australia, where Richie Benaud is our commentator, so without
further ado, it`s over to the Waca, where Australia played Pakis-
tan, our Man Richie Benaud is waiting at the Waca, and it`s Aus-
tralia Versus Pakistan so over to Richie" - Louis Karpus announc-
ing a match at hmm... where was it again? oh yea, the Waca.
"An emotional moment, a marvelous match, a terrific innings -
what can one say on this historic day?" - Martin Lock
Contributed by Gavin.Benjamin (gavin.benjamin@*.co.za)

