
Partington J: Chess Match Special
Chess Match Special
Brian Johnston: Welcome back to Chess Match Special, where
the players are just coming back onstage after the tea
interval and Short is preparing his move. And I must say
that this cake is absolutely splendid... it's been sent by a
Mrs Capablanca who is a regular fan of our broadcasts.
Trevor Bailey: I wonder if she's any relation of old Boko
Capablanca who once took 8 pawns in a game for Derbyshire.
[Muttering in background.]
BJ: Thanks, Bill. Well the bearded wonder says that none of
Boko's surviving relatives have ever made edible cakes,
though his aunt Matilda was well known for seedcake. And
Short has moved! That's King to King's Bishop's Square, or
Kf1 if you prefer. Any comments, Trevor?
TB: Well the board may be a bit damp where Short spilt his
lemonade, so one would imagine that this would help the fast
movers. Rather a quiet move really but often seen in world
[Muttering in background.]
TB: Oh, Bill Frindall says that in fact it's only been seen
in 17% of world championship matches.
BJ: I see there's also a patch of biscuit-crumbs at the
striker's end. Do you think Kasparov will be able to make
use of this when he comes to move?
TB: Oh I should imagine so. Biscuit crumbs, cigarette-ash,
sawdust, ... the true professional is going to extract the
maximum advantage out of the state of the pitch, if he can.
BJ: And I see that umpire Dickie Bird is adjusting one of
the pawns. I think a gust of wind must have caught it.
Anyway I'm off for a pooh-pooh now, so to take you through
the next few minutes, it's Aggers.
Jonathan Agnew: Great to be here, Johnners. Now I think old
Shorty must be feeling as sick as a rook, as the saying
goes, because he was relying on that pawn being slightly
crooked, wasn't he Trevor?
TB: Z-z-z-z-z-z.
JA: Thank you Trevor. Well we're still waiting for Kasparov
to move his men into position and there's no sign of any
time trouble yet. I'm not so sure about these chess clocks
though... they've already given trouble in this game: Bill,
remember when the alarm went off, and woke up Trevor?
[Sounds of violence in the background followed by a sharp
TB: Eh? What? Oh, thank you Bill. Well as I was just saying,
we really have seen some magnificent pawn-work in this game.
[Meanwhile on Channel 4 Carol Vorderman is asking 3 leading
grandmasters whether they ever have any trouble remembering
how a knight moves, and what would happen if Kasparov moved
a piece of
Thanks to J.R.Partington on r.s.c.
Contributed by The Management (help@cricinfo.com)

