
CricInfo Media Centre
Radio Coverage on BBC World Service
All times are in GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)
Further details at the BBC's own website - http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/
Sports Round-up brings you the sports news, the stories and the results from all around
the world in a bulletin programme that is broadcast every other hour in the day. The BBC
Radio Sports department has an unrivalled team of correspondents all over the globe who
are collecting stories, scores and interviews every second of the day. Among that team
are the unit's own experts who cover all major international sports events including every
test match and one day international. Times for each region are as follows.
Europe and North Africa
Mon to Fri : 0320 720 1145 1645 1745 2230
Sat : 0320 0720 1145 2050 0320
Sun : 0320 0720 1645 1745 2050
West and Central Africa
Mon to Fri : 0320 0720 1145 1745 2050
Sat : 0320 0720 1145 1920
Sun : 0320 0720 1020 1920
East and Southern Africa
Mon to Fri : 0320 1045 1445 1745 2050
Sat : 0320 1020 1920 2050
Sun : 0320 1645 1745 2050
The Middle East and Soviet Union
Mon to Fri : 0320 0450 1545 1920
Sat : 0320 1145 1920
Sun : 0320 0720 1020 1645 1920
South Asia
Mon to Fri : 0020 0720 1145 1745 1920
Sat : 0020 0720 1920
Sun : 0020 0320 0720 1020 1645 1920
East Asia, Australia and the Pacific
Mon to Fri : 0020 0450 0930 1045 1145 1645 1745
Sat : 0020 1920
Sun : 0020 0320 0720 1645 1920
The Americas
Mon to Fri : 0320 0720 0930 1145 1745 2230
Sat : 0320 1020 1145
Sun : 0320 1020 1920

