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CricInfo brings you the chance to win CricInfo T-shirts, Caps and Mugs. The top ten most
wittiest captions will win CricInfo T-shirts. Consolation prizes of 10 CricInfo Caps and 10
CricInfo Mugs will also be awarded.
To win the competition first Register and then give the wittiest captions possible for our photographs.
- All participants must register for the contest.
- The contest opens on 2nd June and is open only to residents of India.
- The contest will close on 10th June at 19.00 hrs IST.
- Employees of CricInfo or its partner organisations are not eligible for the prizes.
- Winners will be notified through e-mail only and prizes will be sent by mail.
- CricInfo reserves the right to pick the winners and no correspondence will be entered in to.

Click to caption the photo

Click to caption the photo

Click to Caption the photo

Click to Caption the photo

Click to Caption the photo

Click to Caption the photo

Click to Caption the photo