
WC96: Playing conditions
New Delhi, Feb 2 1996
The Pakistan, India Lanka Committee (PILCOM) today released the
playing conditions for the Wills World Cup Cricket commencing on
Feb. 11.
As per the conditions, there will be a reserve day for all
matches on which an incomplete match may be replayed (but not
continued from the scheduled day). The matches will consist of 50
overs each innings. A minimum of minimum 25 overs per team will
constitute a match.
Barring Cuttack, the timing of the matches in all the centres
will be:
0900 - 1230 hrs (1st session)
1230 - 1315 hrs (lunch)
1315 - 1645 hrs (2nd session).
At Cuttack, where India plays Kenya on Feb 18, the timings are:
0845 - 1215 (1st session)
1215 - 1300 (lunch)
1300 - 1630 (2nd session).
For day/night matches the timings are:
1430 - 1800 (1st session)
1800 - 1845 (break)
1845 - 2215 (2nd session).
The conditions specify that the innings of the team batting
second shall not commence before the schedule time for commence-
ment of the second session unless the team batting first has com-
pleted its innings at least 30 minutes prior to the schedule in-
terval, in which case a ten minute break will occur and team bat-
ting second will commence its innings and the interval will occur
as scheduled.
Where play is delayed or interrupted the umpires will reduce the
length of the interval as follows:
Time lost upto 60 minutes interval will be 30 minutes, between 60
to 120 minutes lost - 20 minutes more than 120 minutes lost - 10
Two drinks breaks per session shall be permitted each 1 hour 10
minutes apart. Under conditions of extreme heat, the umpires may
permit extra intervals for drinks.
An individual player may be given a drink either on the boundary
edge or at the fall of a wicket on the field provided that no
playing time is wasted. Any player taking drinks shall be dressed
in proper cricket attire.
There will be a World Cup panel of 12 umpires for on-field du-
ties. Pilcom will also appoint a third umpire for each match to
deal with television replays.
The third umpire will officiate in regard to tv replays when the
umpires on the field have referred a decision to him in regard to
hit wicket, run out or stumping appeals.
The umpires on field may also refer a decision to the third um-
pire when there is uncertainty about a catch on the boundary or
whether a `four` or `six` has been scored. The third umpire will
communicate his decision by two way radio which will be provided
for the purpose.
The third umpire may if the need arises, advise the on-field um-
pires by a two-way radio for any violation of such boundary line
decisions. None of the three umpires appointed for any match
will be from a country participating in that match.
(Uninterrupted matches): Each team shall bat for 50 (six ball)
overs unless all out earlier. A team shall not be permitted to
declare its innings closed.
If the team fielding first fails to bowl the required number of
overs by the scheduled time for cessation of the first session,
play shall continue until the required number of overs have been
bowled. Unless otherwise determined by the referre, the innings
of the team btting second shall be limited to the first session.
The over in progress at the scheduled cessation time shall count
as completed over. The interval shall not be extended and the
second session shall commence at the scheduled time. The referee
may increase the number of overs to be bowled by the team bowling
second if, after consultation with the umpires he is of the opin-
ion that events beyond the control of the bowling team prevented
that team from bowling the required number of overs by the
scheduled time for the cessation of the innings of the team bat-
ting first.
If the team batting first is all out and the last wicket falls at
or after the scheduled time for the interval, the innings of the
team batting second shall be limited to the same number of overs
bowled to the team batting first at the scheduled time for the
interval (the over in which the last wicket falls to count as a
complete over). If the team batting first is dismissed in less
than 50 overs the team batting second shall be entitled to bat
for 50 overs except as provided in above.
Penalties shall apply for slow over-rates.
A minimum 25 overs have to be bowled to the team batting second
to constitute a match.
The calculation of the number of overs to be bowled shall be
based on and average rate of 15 overs is required, any recalcula-
tion must not cause the match to be reschduled to finish earlier
than the original cessation time.
This time may be extended to allow for one extra over for both
teams to be added if required.
If the team fielding second fails to bowl the required number of
overs by the scheduled cessation time, the hours of play shall be
extended until the overs have been bowled or a results achieved.
The team batting second shall not bat for a greater number of
overs than the first team unless the latter has been all out in
less than the agreed number of overs.
Fractions are to be ignored in all calculations of the number of
However, in day/night matches only, if the playing time is lost
upto 60 minutes, the overs shall not be rearranged and the hours
of play shall be extended and rescheduled to compensate for the
lost time.
The interval between the innings of the agreed duration shall be
rescheduled wherever applicable.
But if the playing time lost exceeds 60 minutes, the hours of
play shall be extended and resheduled at the first instance as
per the principles set out above and only that period of time in
excess of 60 minutes shall be taken into account while rearrang-
ing the number of overs.
But if at any give time, the game is interrupted at a stage where
equal number of overs cannot be allocated to both teams in the
total remaining playing time (minimum 25 overs each time), the
innings of the team batting first shall be terminated at the
number of overs already bowled (fraction of an over bowled shall
be treated as a complete over). The team batting second shall be
called upon to bat after the interval between the innings.
Two semicircles shall be drawn on the field of play. The semi
circles have as their centre the middle stumps at either ends of
the pitch. The radius of each of the semicircles is 30 yards
(27.5m). The ends of each semicircle are joined to the other by
a straight line drawn on the field on the same side of the pitch.
The field restriction area should be marked by continuous painted
white lines or dots at 5 yards (4.5m) intervals, each dot to be
covered by a white plastic or rubber (but not metal) disc measur-
ing 7 inches (18cm) in diameter.
At the instant of delivery,there may not be more than five field-
ers on legside.
Only two fielders are permitted to be outside the field restric-
tion marking at the instant of delivery. For the remaining overs
only five fielders are permitted to be outside the field restric-
tion marking at the instant of delivery.
In the first 15 overs, there must be a minimum of 2 stationary
fielders within 15 yards of the striker at the instant of
Where play is delayed or interrupted, affecting the innings of
the team batting first and the total number of overs available is
reduced the number of overs in regard to the field restrictions
shall be reduced proportionately for both teams (number of overs
X 30 percent). Fractions are to be ignored.
In the event of an infringement, the square leg umpire shall call
and signal a `no ball`.
In a delayed or interrupted match where the overs are reduced for
both teams or for the team bowling second, no bowler
may bowl more than one-fifth of the total overs allocated. This
will not apply if a bowler has completed his quota of overs be-
fore the interruption of play. Where the overs is not divisible
by 5, one additional over shall be allowed to the maximum number
per bowler necessary to make up the balance.
Short pitched bowling - if the ball passes or passed above the
shoulder height of the striker standing upright at the crease,
either umpire can call and signal `no ball`.
Umpires are instructed to apply a very strict and consistent in-
terpretation with regard to his law in order to prevent negative
bowling wide of the wicket.
Any offside or leg side delivery which in the opinion of the um-
pire does not give the batsman a reasonable opportunity to score
shall be labelled as `wide`. As a guide on the leg side, a ball
landing clearly outside the leg stump and going further away is a
Pilcom shall provide Kookaburra turf white cricket balls which
will be used in all matches including day matches.
In the event of a ball becoming wet or soggy as a result of play
continuing in inclement weather or it being affected by dew , or
a ball becoming significantly discoloured and in the opinion of
umpires being unfit for play, the ball maybe replaced for a ball
that has had a similar amount of wear even though it has not gone
out of shape. Either bowler or batsman can raise the matter with
the umpires and the umpires decision as to a replacement or oth-
erwise will be final. The fielding captain or his nominee may
select the ball with which he wishes to bowl from the supply pro-
vided by the home board. Such a selection must take place in
the presence of the referere.
The umpires shall retain possession of the match ball(s)
throughout the duration of the match when play is not actually
taking place. During play, umpires shall periodically and irregu-
larly inspect the condition of the ball and shall retain posses-
sion of it at the fall of a wicket, a drinks interval, at the end
of each over or any other disruption of play. The umpires shall
ensure that the cricket ball(s) used in the matches are handed
over to the authorities of the home borad at the end of the
In the event of a ball during play being lost or, in the opinion
of the umpires being unfit for play through normal use, the um-
pires shall allow to be replaced by one that in their opinion has
had a similar amount of wear. If the ball is to be replaced, the
umpire shall inform the batsman.
If during a day/night match, or a day match played with black
sightscreens and white balls, in the opinion of umpires, natural
light is deteriorating to an unfit level they may authorize the
ground authority to use the artificial lighting so that the match
can continue in acceptable conditions.
Normally, the flood lights would be operational in case of a
day/night match from 1600 hrs.
If a day/night match is washed out on its scheduled day, the
match will be replayed on the rain day as a day and night match.
The umpires will suspend, or continue to suspend play for bad
light when they consider that there is a risk of serious physical
injury to the batsman. Amongst the facts to be considered are
background, sight screens and the type of bowling.
Before deciding to suspend play, or not to resume play after an
interval on account of bad light (but for no other reason), the
umpire shall establish whether the captain of the batting team
(the batsman at the crease may deputise for the captain) wishes
to continue in unfit conditions, if so his wishes shall be met.
Contributed by Anoop (anoop@sarang.ee.iitb.ernet.in)