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PBCC again appeals for donations to play World Cricket Cup for the Blind
Pakistan Blind Cricket Council - 14 November 2002

As only two weeks remain before the inauguration of the 2nd World Cricket Cup for the Blind 2002, the PBCC is making another appeal for financial help. Funds are urgently needed to help send the Pakistan Blind Cricket Team to play in this important event where Blind Teams from all over the world will be playing. In the last World Cup for the Blind, the Pakistan team were runners-up.

Only the Pakistan Cricket Board has rallied round PBCC by providing the travel costs but no other Government or private organisation has come forward to lend a hand.

After the major hurdle of travel costs to India has been overwhelmed, the rest of the expenses still remain to be sponsored.

The expenses are:
1. Official Uniforms, 21 pieces at PkR 4,000 each, Total PkR 84,000.
2. Playing Kits, 21 pieces at PkR 1,800 each, Total PkR 37,800.
3. Training Camp costs at PkR 3000 per day, Total PkR 60,000.
4. Sports Equipment, Total 70,000.
5. Medical Facilities, Total PkR 10,000.
Total amount PkR 261,800 (Approx USD 4350).

I, Agha Shoukat Ali, Chairman PBCC, once again appeal to the Government, to National and Multinational companies, to reputable dignities and especially to foreign donors to financially assist our deserving visually impaired cricket players. This would make it possible for them to participate in the forthcoming World Cup.

Our players have planned a peaceful protest march on the Mall Road in Lahore holding banners and placards to express their disappointment at the apathy of the Government and other leading agencies. They wish to highlight their plight and of the visually impaired in Pakistan.

Agha Shoukat Ali
Chairman PBCC
14 November 2002


Teams Pakistan.

World Cup Cricket for the Blind



Pakistan Blind Cricket Council Pakistan Blind Cricket Council