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The Barbados Nation Cricket passes for ex-players, fans
29 May 2002

All former West Indies players and some of the region's most loyal supporters will soon be afforded the opportunity to enter grounds around the Caribbean without having to pay a cent. During its meetings here last weekend, the West Indies Cricket Board (WICB) decided it would issue a West Indies ID pass to anyone who had played for the regional team.

"They are the ones who have made our cricket famous and it is only fair and fitting that we should provide them with passes so they can enter grounds without any hassle," said WICB chief executive officer Gregory Shillingford.

The board also took the decision to honour supporters who had attended 75 matches or more. Among them are Trinidadians Peter Matthews, "Uncle Lester" and his wife, and their travelling companion Harry Persad.

"There are others, but we are developing a mechanism to verify the attendance at matches – both at home and away – of other supporters so that we can officially recognise them," Shillingford said.

© Barbados Nation

Teams West Indies.

Source: The Barbados Nation
Editorial comments can be sent to The Barbados Nation at nationnews@sunbeach.net