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CJCA zone tournament completed
Canterbury Cricket Association - 13 March 2002

The CJCA zone trials were concluded at Burnside Oval over the weekend.

The zones were held over three weekends, with four teams competing in each of the three sections. A team will be selected from the trials to travel to the West Coast for the annual end-of-season fixture. The results are as follows:

Round 1


North Zone 117 all out (S Oughton 26; A Wilson 3-13) beat South Zone 97 all out (A Wilson 26; J Bush 3-6, S Mayall 3-9).
East Zone 90/2 (S Dobbs 27 not out) beat West Zone 88/8 (S Dean 30).


North Zone 173/9 (A Oorschot 26 not out, K Henry 24, B Williams 23; S Baker 3-12) beat South Zone 93/8.
East Zone 56/4 beat West Zone 114/7.


North Zone 106/6 beat South Zone 78 all out.
West Zone 131/4 beat East Zone 114/7.

Round 2


East Zone 137/3 (T Bleyendaal 47 not out, S Dobbs 37) beat North Zone 136/8 (J Case 35, S Oughton 31).
West Zone 141/4 (T Chamberlain 42 not out, D Gibbs 40 not out) beat South Zone 140/8 (S Noster 26; S Dean 3-23).


South Zone 133 all out (S Golding 20, M Emery 4-13) beat West Zone 118/2 (J Ralston 57 not out, G Connell 24 not out).
North Zone 110 all out (C Anderson 39, K Henry 22) beat East Zone 27 all out.


West Zone 139/6 beat South Zone 138/7
East Zone 83/7 beat North Zone 74/7

Round 3


East Zone 124 all out (M Teal 39 not out; D Overton 4-20, E Woodham 3-14) v South Zone 71/5 (S Noster 32 not out). No result - rain affected.
North Zone 150/8 (J Case 31, C Batchelor 29 not out; D Gibbs 3-6) v West Zone 56/2. No result - rain affected.


South Zone 174 all out (J Creamer 74, G Earl 32) v East Zone 91/6 (T Johnston 22, J Crookson 21; S Baker 3-16). No result - rain affected.
West Zone 144/7 (G Connell 29, M Emery 21) v North Zone 79/6. No result - rain affected.


South Zone 93 all out v East Zone 55/2. No result - rain affected.
West Zone 127 all out v North Zone 81/4. No result - rain affected.

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