An exciting and challenging opportunity exists to fulfill a professional sports administration role in Japan. The Japan Cricket Association is seeking applications for the new full-time position of Operations Manager.
Employed and empowered by the JCA, the Operations Manager will be responsible for all of the following:
Fulfillment of International Cricket Council membership/funding and East Asia - Pacific Development Program requirements (including coach & umpire education programs, partnership with Victorian Cricket Association in Australia etc.).
An appropriate office set-up will be established/located at the Operations Manager's home. Supplementary office/meeting space will also be available in Tokyo from time-to-time. The current preferred JCA option is for the successful candidate to be living reasonably close to Tokyo although other options here can be discussed at interview. Please provide your thoughts/preferred situation in this regard in your application.
The ideal candidate will be self-motivated with a high level of enthusiasm and a proven ability to "make things happen". He/she will have English/Japanese language, a thorough understanding of organised sport in Japan and the business culture of the country, strong administrative and communication/computer skills, a sound financial management background as well as qualifications and/or experience in the relevant areas set out above.
Remuneration commensurate with the position and chosen candidate will be negotiated at interview and appointment. Please include with your application a clear indication of the gross annual salary package range (in Japanese Yen) you would need to accept (including all non-wage allowances/payments you would require, if any). Please be as detailed as possible in this regard. It is envisaged that a commission based incentive re new sponsorships/fundraising could be included as part of the final contract.
Applications should include a covering letter and other information relevant to this advertisement and the position description, a resume/curriculum vitae, at least two referees/reference contacts, accommodation/office location thoughts/preference details, and a fully detailed salary package requirement indication.
They should be forwarded in writing, in English, by no later than Friday 4 October 2002 to:
Japan Cricket Association
Fax +81 3 5772 3471
Phone +81 3 5772 3470
Please also forward an exact replica copy for information to: Matthew Kennedy
International Cricket Council East Asia - Pacific Development Manager
Fax +61 3 9653 9911 (Melbourne, Australia)
Phone +61 3 9653 9921
The full working position description is available at (Development & East Asia - Pacific links).
It is expected that final short-list personal interviews for the role will take place in Tokyo in November/December 2002 with phone and other follow-up etc., occurring in the period prior.