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Dawn Search for foreign coach on
26 April 2002

Pakistan are expected to hire a full-time foreign coach for its National Cricket Academy that resumes in June. The chairman of the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) Lt Gen Tauqir Zia said Thursday that he had contacted the University of Western Australia and also Daryl Foster.

"The Perth University says it will send its representative in the near future to assess the academy before recommending a coach. In the meantime, we also contacted Foster who will also suggest a coach who will work full time with our young guns," Tauqir said.

"Foster has agreed to spend time at the Academy but will not be available before July as he will be touring England with Sri Lanka," Tauqir said.

The job of chief coach at the Academy is vacant after Mudassar Nazar was elevated to national team coach in place of South African Richard Pybus.

Tauqir said the Perth University had proposed to upgrade the Academy into training-cum-educational institution. "It is an appealing proposal and I assure you we have been working on it. But it will take time. But we cannot put a halt to grooming youngsters. The upgradation plan will continue simultaneously."

© Dawn

Players/Umpires Mudassar Nazar, Richard Pybus.

Source: Dawn
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