Somerset gearing themselves up for the start of the season says Shine
Richard Walsh - 10 April 2002

The members of the press descended upon the County Ground on Wednesday morning to meet the players and take pre-season photographs.

The morning started in the Colin Atkinson Pavilion where the Cheltenham and Gloucester Trophy was on display. Somerset Chief Executive Peter Anderson welcomed those present and said that it was an honour for the club that the C and G had chosen Taunton to launch their national tour of the trophy.

Mr Anderson also welcomed back Marcus Trescothick who was sitting looking relaxed amongst his county team mates after spending the majority of the winter on tour with England.

Following the formalities the players went outside to face the chilly wind and pose for the group photographs, one of which was in white kit, another in NUL coloured kit and a third with C and G `winners' caps on their heads. After the team groups the players posed for individual photographs before making themselves available for interviews.

Somerset coach Kevin Shine was in buoyant mood when I spoke to him early in the morning. He told me: "The boys are fit and strong and ready to go, in fact they are as fit as they have ever been at this time of the season. We are now keeping our fingers crossed that they all stay fit before the start of the season."

When I asked Kevin about the pre season friendly matches he told me: "All of the players were up for them and took them very seriously which was what I wanted. Matt Bulbeck bowled beautifully, he had that old zip back about his action that has been missing and he is fully fit and ready to start the season."

He continued; "Now we are gearing ourselves up ready for the first county championship match against Sussex on April 24th, and taking it all very seriously."


Teams England.
First Class Teams Somerset.
Players/Umpires Marcus Trescothick, Kevin Shine, Peter Anderson, Matthew Bulbeck.
Grounds County Ground, Taunton