
Tony Munro - 7 February 2000

If you're fronting the Antarctic Cricket Association or leading a seccessionist movement in a cricketing country and wondering the steps involved in gaining membership of the Internatiuonal Cricket Council, then here is (hopefully) all the info you will need.

There are basically three forms of membership available to countries not playing cricket at the Test level - Associate, Affiliate and the newest and most informal, New Teritory status. (Of course, another status is One Day International, but that is not a different form of membership).

Just to confuse you, this explanation will start at the bottom and go up.

I remain a little confused myself here, but I understand New Territories status is a not a form of membership but an informal acknowledgement by the ICC that cricket exists in a particular country prior to a formal application for membership. Any correction is welcome. Countries such as South Korea, Samoa, Cook Islands, Tonga and New Caledonia were recently granted this by ICC East Asia-Pacific Development Officer, Andrew Eade. BTW understands Samoa, Tonga and the Cook Islands have applied for Affiliate Membership.

Well, what is this Affiliate Membership, you ask? According to the ICC's Roger Hill, it is a recognition of the fact that cricket is played according to the rules of cricket as laid down by the Marlyebone Cricket Club. That, and a united governing body are the key prerequsites. In other words, the nucleus can be a sinple one-club country entity playing intermittent matches against visiting teams such as Morocco, through to a full-blown league structure such as Belize, Cayman Islands, Switzerland, etc.

How do I get it?

The five ICC regional development officers are assigned the task of following the growth of cricket in countries in their region from the embryonic stage to full maturity. When satisfied that a country has reached a sufficient level of development, the development officer will suggest to the country that the time has come to join the flock and apply for Affiliate membership. Should cricket have been bubbling along unrecognised in Antarctica or anywhere else, the local association can also take the proactive step of contacting officials from their nearest development officer or Test country officials. This stage is more or less recognition of the fact that cricket exists on a regular/permanent basis and is not qualitive.

Too easy?

Your application will need the backing of one Test/Full and one Associate member.

Obviously, a country deserving of direct qualification for Associate membership can bypass the Affiliate status stage - the United Arab Emirates is an obvious example.

Feeling confident that cricket in your country has roots and not just for the local expats? Associate Membership is the next phase.

Colloquially speaking, Associate Membership implies a structure with an increased amount of indigenous participation and a more sophisticated playing structure. Gaining Associate membership, like Affiliate membership, requires the support of a Full member plus backing from an Associate member. The applicant will be subject to visits from ICC officials. Off the record, indigenous participation is a key factor, and boosted Uganda's successful application despite East & Central Africa's poor record at the ICC Trophy.

There are 17 points of consideration. These are:

ICC 17 point Inspection Pro Forma
1. Constitution and General Information
2. Clubs
3. Format of a Season
4. Schools Cricket
5. Grounds
6. Players
7. Finances & Sponsorship
8. National Team Record
9. Spectator Interest
10. Media Coverage
11. Youth Development
12. Coaches
13. Cricket History
14. Playing Standards
15. Umpiring
16. Tours
17. Composition of National Team

So when can I do this?


All applications should have been in by December 31, 1999 for consideration at this year's June application meeting. Countries who send in their application by the due date and have a few loose ends to attend to will typically be given an extension to attend to these with help from ICC or Full member officials.

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This is not the Wisden version and certainly not definitive.

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Non-Test Teams Belize, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands, Samoa, South Korea, Switzerland, Tonga.
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Date-stamped : 09 Aug2000 - 06:03