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The Christchurch Press Call for skills in leadership
Geoff Longley - 5 June 1999

The next New Zealand cricket coach, to be decided next month, should have had previous captaincy experience, says Glenn Turner.

Turner, who was the coach before Steve Rixon took over, thinks whoever is next appointed to the job should have had significant leadership experience in their playing past.

``They then understand the application of strategies and tactics thoroughly because they have been there and done it.''

Turner said he was not sure if Rixon, whose term ends at the end of the England tour in August, had the appropriate depth of knowledge of the game, alongside a developing skipper Stephen Fleming.

Rixon replaced Turner in controversial circumstances in 1996-97 after Turner had one season in the job. He had been appointed by a previous administration.

Turner also questioned the value of a coach.

He wondered if there needed to be a track-suited mentor hitting catches to players or whether an arms-length observer wearing jacket and tie could be just as appropriate.

``You need a top person who knows more than the players and there are very few around with that amount of knowledge, not just in New Zealand but worldwide,'' Turner said.

``I don't see why a person attached to the team necessarily needs to be a coach but more a manager-cum-facilitator.''

Turner believes the whole area of support staff for sports teams needs closely investigating.

He cited the Black Caps who have sports psychologist Gilbert Enoka and technical adviser Ashley Ross assisting Rixon this season.

``I think more brain-storming and research needs to be done about the merits of this.''

Turner said he believed it was desirable for players to be more self sufficient when they went on the field but under the current strategy more crutches (support staff) were being provided.

Source: The Christchurch Press
Editorial comments can be sent to The Christchurch Press at press@press.co.nz