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ICC meeting - clarification
The Daily News - 26 June 1999

S. Skandakumar who represented Sri Lanka at the ICC meeting has sent the following communique to Rienzie Wijetilleke, Chairman, Interim Cricket Board.

``The Executive Board Meeting normally precedes the Annual General Meeting of the ICC. This year the former was held at Lords both on 23/6/99 and the morning of 24/6/99. The AGM followed that afternoon.

Each test playing country is required to nominate one representative to serve on the Executive Board as Director. Following receipt of the Court Order of 21/6/99 confirming the legal status of the BCCSL's Interim Committee, that committee's nomination of Mr. S. Skandakumar to serve on the Board as Director was accepted by ICC.

However, as Mr. D. Ranatunga, the BCCSL's CEO was more conversant with the numerous issues listed for discussion at this meeting with the concurrence of the Chairman of the Interim Committee Mr. Rienzie Wijetilleke. Mr. Skandakumar sought and obtained ICC approval for Mr. Ranatunga to be his alternate at this meeting.

He thereafter requested observer status for himself since normally only one representative from each Test playing country is permitted to attend this meeting. This request was also granted.

At the commencement of this Executive Board meeting on 23/6/99, the President Mr. J. Dalmiya explained Sri Lanka's unusual circumstances to those present and with the concurrence of the house granted as an exception, approval to enable Mr. Skandakumar also to participate in the proceedings.

As for the Annual General meeting which followed thereafter, each Test playing country is permitted two official representatives and Sri Lanka's official delegates were Mr. S. Skandakumar and Mr. D. Ranatunga. The question of observer status at this meeting did not thereafter arise. I trust the position is clear.''

Source: The Daily News