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The Daily Star, Bangladesh Equal amongst unequals
Shakil Kasem - 4 June 1999

Some weeks ago, this country sent fifteen of its finest sons across the seven seas to do battle for honour and the flag. There is no shame in admitting that, deep in our collective hearts, we did not harbour much hope for their survival in the battles that lay ahead.

The nation stands corrected today. We await a triumphant return of those brave sons, who have achieved what we dreamt but never dared. A grateful nation opens its arms to these fantastic fifteen, whose names, for certain, will now be emblazoned in letters of fire across the skies of Bangladesh.

It is easy to be emotional about our cricket heroes, but also so necessary. They have transported this country of teeming millions, who are perennially engaged in an unequal battle for mere survival, a nation that flounders at times in the depths of despair, because of a multitude of reasons, for a glimpse of what lies beyond the realms of our everyday life. They have given us a moment of the finest glory that the world had on offer, a place in the sun. At this moment, at this point in time, it is so very pertinent. They have seized the day, and given it to the rest of their countrymen to savour. Never have so many been grateful to so few.

By the time this World Cup is over, the results of the last few weeks would be swamped under a mound of petty statistics. Included in that pile of facts, figures and numbers would be the result of the match in which one time World Champions and tournament hot favourites, were seen by the rest of the world, to surrender tamely to the most committed of debutantes. This match would be a part of history, yet lost to it. We have CREATED history. No matter what statistics may indicate, posterity will be told in no uncertain manner, never to forget. The vanquished will remember, forever. On our part, we must not compound irony by demeaning this achievement. This was our finest hour, let no one even harbour a thought otherwise.

The present band of cricketers have done us proud; they have displayed incredible levels of tenacity under immense pressure, and performed heroically over and beyond the call of duty. Having never been in such a rarefied atmosphere of the game before, Bangladesh understandably took time to find its bearings. Four of the matches saw us losing our way in the woods, just when we thought we had matters under control. It was perhaps destiny, which ensured that the team should peak in its last match. In a no-holds-barred encounter we triumphed, and how!

We struck a blow for all our collective deprivations, the cumulative ignominies suffered over the years. We broke the shackles, at last. Once and for all.

Perhaps the odds against this victory were a million to one. Perhaps, a similar victory may be a long time in coming. But it was possible, and it can be done again. If we did not sleep, how could we make our dreams come true? These heroes have woken up the world. Accept us now; we are your peers.

Source: The Daily Star, Bangladesh
Editorial comments can be sent to The Daily Star at webmaster@dailystarnews.com