
NZ coach regrets his Indian remarks

18 January 1999

WELLINGTON, Jan 18 (AFP) - New Zealand cricket coach Steve Rixon said Monday he regretted making disparaging remarks about the Indian team on the eve of Saturday's one-day international in Auckland.

Rixon's comments that the Indians were interested only in catching the flight home and that New Zealand would win the one-day series comfortably, angered the tourists.

New Zealand lost the game by five wickets to go 1-2 down in the series with one match to play, in Christchurch Tuesday.

Indian coach Anshuman Gaekwad said Rixon's comments upset his side. Former Australian coach and adviser to the Indian team Bobby Simpson called Rixon ``rent a quote'', while New Zealand great Sir Richard Hadlee said the comments fired India up.

``I probably shouldn't have made the comment,'' Rixon said.

``It is a common situation at this time in any tour for teams to be thinking about going home.

``But I probably regret saying it.'' Gaekwad said his side was ``upset'' by the remark but had decided to do their talking in the middle.

``Actions speak louder than words,'' Gaekwad said.

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