
Injuries put pressure on Ponting to end slump

11 January 1999

SYDNEY, Jan 11 (AFP) - Australian captain Steve Waugh and batsman Darren Lehmann could miss two more matches in the three nation limited over tournament here, increasing the pressure on Ricky Ponting to find some form.

Ponting failed again in Sunday's seven-run loss to England in Brisbane. It was his first match back in the national team since being dropped after three Ashes Tests.

Waugh and Lehmann, both with hamstring strains, are certain to miss Wednesday's match against Sri Lanka here, and team physio Errol Alcott would prefer them to rest for another two days.

Waugh is keen to return for Friday's third match against England at Melbourne Cricket Ground and stiffen a batting lineup that crumbled on Sunday in Brisbane.

Lehmann faces a fitness test Tuesday but is rated only a 50-50 chance of being fit for Wednesday.

Ponting hit a match-winning 124 not out in the third one-dayer international against Pakistan in Lahore in November but has made 75 first-class runs in seven innings this season.

Again he fell to a poor stroke, trying to force the pace, as he did in the Tests.

And with World Cup selection looming, there is no time to waste.

After training Monday, coach Geoff Marsh spent an extra half hour with Ponting. ``He was ranked number three in the world in one-day cricket last year so it's important we get him over this slump,'' Marsh said.

``Every time you play for Australia you're on trial, it's something you've got to get used to.

``He looks like a young bloke trying to playing at the top level. But he needs to take his time a little bit and not go so hard at the ball.''

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