
Indian team's tobacco logo not breaking NZ anti-smoke laws

15 January 1999

WELLINGTON, Jan 15 (AFP) - The visiting Indian cricket team is not breaking New Zealand's anti-smoking laws despite Wills logos on their bats and uniforms, a minister said Friday.

Associate Health Minister Tuariki Delamere said the Ministry of Health had decided, after getting a legal opinion from the Crown Law Office, that the logos do not breach the Smokefree Environments Act because they do not advertise a tobacco product on sale in New Zealand.

``There is no brand of tobacco product available for sale in New Zealand that relates to the logos. Nor are the logos or names being used as a tobacco product trademark in New Zealand,'' he said.

Delamere had previously told the Sunday Star-Times newspaper that the logos almost certainly breached the act. He was roundly criticised by opposition parties for taking a ``politically correct'' stance to extremes.

WD and HO Wills is a multinational tobacco company which markets Wills cigarettes in India. But New Zealand Cricket defended the logo worn by the Indian team, saying it belongs to a subsidiary company which manufactures sports equipment.

Though Wills has a New Zealand subsidiary, called British American Tobacco New Zealand, it does not market cigarettes here under the Wills brand.

Test and one-day international matches went ahead after the ministry's investigation began, without any consideration given to removing the logos from the Indian team uniforms.

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