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Official Statement: Protest at threats on Reuters Photographer
The Daily News - 5 August 1999

We strongly protest at the reported behaviour of Sri Lankan cricketer Aravinda de Silva, in using foul language, making rude gestures and attempting to attack Mr. Anuruddha Lokuhapuarachchi, Photo Journalist of Reuters News Service. Mr. Lokuhapuarachchi had been subjected to intimidation and threats while he was carrying out his professional duties, photographing members of the Sri Lankan team during training at the SSC grounds, states a Press release issued by the Prajathanthra Foundation for the Freedom of Expression. Prajathanthra convenor Lucien Rajakarunanayake states: Aravinda de Silva like all others enjoy the Freedom of Expression, but this freedom should not be mistaken for the right to abuse and use foul language on persons carrying on their legitimate duty. Further he has no right whatever to threaten or attempt to assault a person carrying on such legitimate professional duties. What Aravinda has shown in this instance is his contempt for the right and freedom of the journalist to report on a matter of public interest.

After the recent dismal performance of the Sri Lankan cricket team in the World Cup tournament, towards which Aravinda de Silva contributed very much both in his play and behaviour on the field in England, his behaviour is a subject that the public has a right to be informed about. His reported behaviour towards Mr. Lokuhapuarachchi appears to confirm reports of the intimidation of younger players by senior members of the Sri Lankan team, and the belief among some of these seniors that they are demi-gods having special rights.

Cricket is known to be a game played by gentlemen. The behaviour of Aravinda de Silva in this instance has shown that whatever he may have achieved in the game, he has not learnt the basic lesson on a true cricketer having to be a gentleman, both on and off the field.

We call upon the Interim Board of Control of Cricket in Sri Lanka, and the managers of the game, to take immediate disciplinary action with regard to this contemptible behaviour of Aravinda de Silva. Such action would help instill discipline among players and also assure the rights of journalists to report to the public on their practice and performance, without any fear of threatening, abuse or assault.

Source: The Daily News