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Sri Lanka: Skandakumar re-elected
The Daily News - 4 August 1999

S. Skandakumar re-elected as president of Tamil Union Cricket & Athletic Club at their 100th annual general meeting called upon the membership to sustain the vision of the late P. Saravanamuttu by helping to upgrade the Saravanamuttu Stadium back to its international status.

No Tests or one-day internationals have been played at this venue since 1993.

``We know fully well the benefits that have accrued both to national cricket and to the Tamil Union by the building of the stadium. They are impossible to quantify. When P. Saravanamuttu built the Colombo Oval, he only had the future of the country's cricket and that of his club on his mind,'' said Skandakumar.

``I am pleased to record the support of the Cricket Board for our efforts through pledges made by both the previous administration and the current,'' he said.

Skandakumar said of the target of Rs. 15 million budgeted for the upliftment, the club had found Rs. six million and called upon the members to put their shoulder to the wheel to make it a reality.

Skandakumar said that he had seriously considered standing down as president for the ensuing year. ``However, on reflection I was convinced that this institution which should be regarded as an inheritance of immeasurable value deserved my continuing commitment. This, the club deserves from each and every member as well and I look forward to that commitment in this my final year as president''.

Source: The Daily News