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Schools' six-a-side, day-nighter this year
The Daily News - 21 April 1999

The seven-year-old schools' six-a-side cricket tournament an innovation of the Old Wesleyites Sports Club (OWSC), breaks fresh ground. In that it will, for the first time this year be a day/night tournament, for the Elephant House Lemonade trophy. This was stated by Capt. Navin de Silva, soon after he was unanimously elected as the President of the OWSC at its AGM held recently. he was taking over form Lucky Gunatilleke, who on his own volition stepped down after a spell of three fruitful years for the club.

Navin lost no time in setting the record straight, when he said that as in the past, the main thrust of the club will be to support the college in the sphere of education and sports - All else will lie subordinate to this main priority. He hopes to add on to the existing facilities by providing for table tennis, badminton, basketball, weight training and a dormitory for outstation schoolboys, who come over for competitions here. The principal of Wesley College, N. A. B. Fernando, made the customary address at the AGM.

Those elected to serve on the committee were:

Patron - Mervyn Pieris,

Vice Patrons - N. A. B. Fernando, Principal Wesley College, Rienzie Wijetilleke, P. B. Herath, Prof. Maharoof Ismail and Denzil Perera. IMM. P.

President - Lucky Gunatilleke, President - Capt. Navin De Silva,

Vice Presidents - Tyronne Maye, Clive De Sivla, Parakrama Wijemanne, Ivor Maharoof, Eric Gauder,

General Secretary - M. S. M. Rizwie,

Asst. Secretary - Rohan Perera,

Treasurer - S. Renganathan,

Asst. Treasurer - Sudath Kannangara,

Social Secretary - Mithral Perera,

Bar Secretary - Senaka Amaratunge,

Billiard Secretary - Selvadurai Ganesharaja,

Squash Secretary - Omar Fahmy,

General Committee - Richard Dwight, Rajah Sinnathuray, Gerard Fernando, Hemal Fernando, Ruwan De Silva, S. Kandeepan, Suresh Nithyanandan, Milinda Premachandra, M. Iqbal Hamidon, Sharmon Mouffer, L. Gunawardene, Rohan Amerasinghe, Sunil K. Fernando, and Jeremy Brohier,

Club Manager - O. K. Dayaratne,

Caterer J. Jacotine.

Source: The Daily News