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Parore warned on run-outs

The Christchurch Press
20 November 1998

New Zealand wicketkeeper-batsman Adam Parore has been told to exercise more caution running between the wickets by national coach Steve Rixon.

Rixon said Parore had figured in a significantly higher than normal number of run-outs during his career and the issue had been addressed after the recent mini World Cup knockout event in Bangladesh.

At that tournament he featured in a critical run-out with Craig McMillan when the pair had fashioned a 60-run stand and were building momentum in the match it eventually lost to Sri Lanka.

``That really highlighted things. We had a talk about it after the tournament and he knows the situation. The issue has been addessed and hopefully sorted out.''

However, Parore blotted his copybook again in his last innings for Northern in the Shell Conference game against Central at Rangiora this week, when he ran himself out for one.

According to reports, Parore turned a safe single into a risky two and was beaten by a direct hit to the stumps when his team was in dire straits.

``It's a judgment thing and we want Adam to err on the more conservative side with his calling from now on. We can't afford to waste wickets like that,'' Rixon said.

Rixon said the problem often arose when the ball travelled square of the wicket, notoriously a difficult calling area between batsmen as to who has the better view.

Rixon said a poor runner between the wickets eroded the batsman's confidence at the other end.

Source: The Christchurch Press
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