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Canadian Cricket Association's 1998 Annual General Meeting

CCA News release
30 November 1998

At the Canadian Cricket Association's 1998 Annual General Meeting in Toronto, Ontario, November 28-29, 1998, delegates re-elected by acclamation the President, Dr. Geoff Edwards and other officers. The Selection Committees, junior and senior were left intact until a committee report on their proposed restructuring is completed in the near future.

Jack Kyle was re-elected as 1st Vice-President. Martin Vieira returns as 2nd Vice-President. Karam Gopaulsingh, as 3rd Vice-President, returns to the executive after an absence of five years. He replaces Ramesh Bhambhani who has served for the past 15 years and is slated to undergo major reconstructive surgery in the near future. Calvin Clarke, General Secretary and Colin Harvey returns as Treasurer.

Of major import was the ratification of a proposed organizational plan for the ICC Trophy 2001 to be held in Toronto in 2001.

Present at the meeting as guests were Past President Jim Sew and Ramesh Jagoo and Ali Hasanie, former members of the executive, among others.

Richie Khemraj, past President of the New Brunswick Cricket Association represented his province on behalf of the new President, Mohan Iyenger, who was unable to attend.

Chris van Twest, new President from British Columbia, replaces Ben Seebaran.

Austin Ward Senior Coordinator, Martin Vieira, Junior Coordinator. Colin Hoare, Umpiring Coordinator- Ken Bhagaloo, Scoring Coordinator also return. Kevin Boller returns as PRO/Historian. The position of Women's Coordinator and Kanga Ball Coordinator were also deferred to early 1999.

The CCA must now continue to rapidly recruit and train hundreds of volunteers for ICC Trophy 2001.

The CCA wishes to enlist as soon as possible, the heads of committees and key volunteers.

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