How critical is Sachin and Azhar's success for an Indian win?

by Atul Kahate
11 November 1998

There is a general perception that 'Sachin Tendulkar = India'. People assume that his success or failure is directly related to India's performance. If he clicks, India wins.

Is it really true that when Sachin Tendulkar scores, India wins? Also, is it true that when he fails, India lose? Further, what happens when he performs but Azharuddin fails? What about Azharuddin himself? Do India win when he is successful? These questions have been asked by so many people over the past few days that I decided to come up with a complete analysis of these factors. The following tables speak for themselves. They depict answers to all of the above questions, updated to the end of the India v Sri Lanka match on 9 November in the current Coca-Cola Champions Trophy tournament in Sharjah.

Table (A) Do India win or lose when Tendulkar scores runs between ...

Score         Won Lost

< 30           37  66
  30-49        16  16
  50-79        18  13
  80-99         7   5
  100-         15   5

Going a step ahead, tabulating in 50's ...

Score         Won Lost

< 50           53  82
  50-99        25  18
  100 -        15   5

Table (B) Do India win or lose when Azharuddin scores runs between ...

Score         Won Lost

< 30           69  97
  30-49        28  26
  50-79        17  18
  80-99        11   7
  100 -         4   3

Going a step ahead, tabulating in 50's ...

Score         Won Lost

< 50           97 123
  50-99        28  25
  100 -         4   3

Table (C) Do India win or lose when Azharuddin is Captain and scores runs between ...

Score         Won Lost

< 30           34  48
  30-49        17   9
  50-79        12  10
  80-99         7   4
  100 -         2   2

Going a step ahead, tabulating in 50's ...

Score        Won Lost

< 50           51  57
  50-99        19  14
  100 -         2   2

Table (D) Do India win or lose when Azharuddin is NOT Captain and scores runs between ...

Score         Won Lost

< 50           46  66
  50-99         9  11
  100 -         2   1

Table (E) Sachin's scores compared to Azhar's scores and India's performance (all matches)

When Sachin's score is less than 50 and Azhar scores ...

Score         Won Lost

< 50           36  59
  50-99        14  17
  100 -         1   2
(So, when Sachin and Azhar have both failed, India have won 36 matches and lost 59. When Sachin has failed and Azhar has succeeded, India have won 14 matches and lost 17. This and the following tables should be read in similar fashion.)
When Sachin scores a half century and Azhar scores ...

Score         Won Lost

< 50           16  12
  50-99         7   5
  100 -         1   1

When Sachin scores a century and Azhar scores ...

Score         Won Lost

< 50            9   3
  50-99         1   2
  100 -         0   0

Table (F) Sachin's scores compared to Azhar's scores and India's performance (when Azhar IS captain)

When Sachin's score is less than 50 and Azhar scores ...

Score         Won Lost

< 50           30  38
  50-99        12  11
  100 -         1   1

When Sachin scores a half century and Azhar scores ...

Score         Won Lost

< 50           12  11
  50-99         6   2
  100 -         1   1

When Sachin scores a century and Azhar scores ...

Score         Won Lost

< 50            7   3
  50-99         1   1
  100 -         0   0

Note: All instances of 'did not bat' are excluded.

Contributed by: Atul Kahate (

Source: CricInfo