The Barbados Nation
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Across The Board: Building For The Future

WICB Release
13 December 1998

Since the West Indies Cricket Board has been trying to use the A-team tour concept to develop the potential of the younger players and to make them more professional in their outlook on the game, this tour could be considered as something of a success.

I, however, find that too many people place particular emphasis on winning.

This often loses sight of the bigger picture of developing the players as a whole person whether it is on the personal development, improving their cricketing ability, becoming more professional in their approach to the game, understanding the different cultures that they encounter or becoming mature individuals.

It is good to win but that approach is placing unnecessary pressure on players and this is something we can do without. We should be concentrating on grooming them for their places in a senior team if and when they are mature enough to perform at that level.

We have to look at those players with potential, develop them and their individual skills and try to make them the players of the future. If they are to continue, it is important that we build a strong team unit. In this way the step up the ladder would not be too great and all that would be left for them to do is to perform.

There has been great camaraderie in the team. It has been a very relaxed atmosphere and the players have been helping each other along the way. In my opinion, team-building is more important to our future success than the highlighting of individual performances.

We have also tried to explain to the players the importance of relating to the decisions they take now, as very often they reflect on them later on in life. We should remember there is life after cricket, and since we play only for a short time, we should use some of the better experiences to help us through our adult years.


They have to realise that every day is a learning experience and that touring with this team or any team and observing things around them should also help them to appreciate the opportunities even more.

Our readers should understand there is more to the A-team tour concept than just plain cricket. We should appreciate that we no longer have an abundance of natural talent and that we have to make the necessary adjustments to accommodate the shortage.

There is immense competition from other sports and we have to seek out those better players and help them to improve in every way possible, provided they have the right attitude and temperament.

There were signs of brilliance during the games as the batting did not always click. Most of the batsmen had starts but failed to capitalise, either through a lack of concentration or carelessness when the challenges arose.

Our bowling was once again the mainstay of the game. The bowlers displayed character and discipline and, despite some injuries, got the job done.

Fielding continues to be a cause for concern and creates great anxiety during tight games. All of the players have to understand that fielding is the most important aspect of the game.

Hopefully A-team tours will continue and should go somewhere in restoring pride to our cricket.

Across The Board is the column of the West Indies Cricket Board. Questions can be addressed to:

The West Indies Cricket Board
St. John's Wood, Antigua

Fax: (268) 460-5452

Source: The Barbados Nation
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