Lancashire League: Haslingden challenge replay decision

Lancashire Evening Telegraph

1 September 1997

HASLINGDEN skipper Mark Griffin believes yesterday's washed-out Lancashire League programme should NOT be replayed. And the Bentgate club will be checking tonight whether a decision was made by league representatives, before the season started, to replay just three programmes this summer.

But league chairman Peter Westwell said that yesterday's fixtures, which failed to produce a single result would be staged next Saturday as the 'three-replays' rule was in force last season but not this time.

``As far as I am aware, the representatives voted to restrict the replays to three and that was the third last Saturday,'' said the skipper whose side would be assured of a play-off for the title at worst if he was to be proved right.

``We have a committee meeting tonight and will be looking into it very carefully.''

Mr Westwell, however, stated: ``There was a close vote (7-7) to scrap replays altogether but, in the end, it was decided to replay whenever possible and that means next Saturday. It was last year that we restricted it to three.''

The league also plan to go ahead with the replays, even though the funeral of Diana, Princess of Wales, will be held on Saturday. ``We will have a minute's silence at first and second team games, that's the way we will show our respect,'' said the chairman.

Source: The Lancashire Evening Telegraph

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Date-stamped : 25 Feb1998 - 18:37